In this short video, Mooji provides massive insight into our “wants” and “desires”.
This 8 minute video is one of the most precious Mooji videos. It explains what it is like to BE life as the self.
This video is a must see! Listen to what Mooji has to say about the “power” of thoughts.
The mind is our SERVANT, and not the other way around. Don’t try to stop your mind…don’t try to change anything… just sit back and watch the show, otherwise your very objection to what you “don’t like” is feeding energy and power to it. Let your thoughts do what they do, just don’t identify with them.
When you say “I”, who is speaking? Are you speaking as the person or consciousness? This video will bring you back to your true place in under 9 minutes.
This short 6 minute video describes the principle that there can be nothing without you appearing as the “I”. This is the master key to the ultimate understanding of how the physical world comes into being.
We must not get discouraged. It is perfectly normal to baptize our attention back into this place of seeing again and again. The mind steps in at every opportunity. This fantastic video reminds us that just because our attention goes off, that doesn’t mean we are not making progress.
In this seven minute video, Mooji speaks on reincarnation as a possible obstacle to realization. Perhaps because so many of his followers believe in it, or because he is so heavily steeped in Eastern tradition himself, in either case, it is noticeable that Mooji has difficulty talking about reincarnation and does not do so very often. However, you can hear the “Truth” coming out towards the end of this video when he says “Reincarnation means nothing for me… WHO AM I who will incarnate or reincarnate?” Mooji’s entire message in a nut shell is that the only concept that separates
Mooji provides clues about vigilance and attention.
In this six minute video from Mooji, he replies to a question about the process involved to realization. He replies by asking the questioner, “First, lets find out who is the one that wants to know about this process?” Mooji goes on to explain why THIS question is the one that is important…
This short five minute video demonstrates Mooji‘s beautiful view of religion.
Mooji speaks of the fact that we don’t need to decide which thoughts or concepts to delete. Everything is just happening by itself.
In this video Mooji explains the mechanism of God, person and pure self. This is one of Mooji’s ultimate videos that explains in simple terms how it all works.
Do you feel like you are experiencing some problems? This video belongs at the very top of “My Favorites” There are 3 major pointings in this video: 1) “If there is no identification for anything that happens… there’s NO PROBLEM! 2) “It’s all just a happening”, even your body is just a happening by itself. You did not ask for this body. It is just happening. 3) “Don’t take responsibility for what is happening by itself.”
This 6 minute video is on target as Mooji explains what could possibly be in the way of your realization. Don’t miss this five star classic…
This short 3 and half minute video contains all the truth one needs to realize the self.
This video will be quite controversial for those who believe that meditation is the path to realization. Meditation is a wonderful exercise that one can do to bring temporary silence and peace to the personality but it must not be confused for a tool that brings a true understanding of the “Self”.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “Isn’t inquiry just a vicious circle?” Mooji responds that inquiry is not a never ending circle and that there is only one ultimate watcher. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s detailed response…
In this nine minute video, Mooji helps us to understand that because the Ego can play the part of the observer, we often identify with the ego as what we are. But on taking a closer look we realize that even this can be observed so lets take a closer look with Mooji at the one who can not be observed…
Sometimes we combine with the mind and then you believe this confusion is you. Spirituality is knowing the difference between your mind, which is where your conditioning and identity live and you who is the Self.
This fifteen minute video from Mooji answers one of the most popular questions of the human experience, “Are we making choices or is everything just destiny?” Let’s listen in as Mooji provides the answer…
In this 23 minute video from Mooji, a seeker says that he has experienced several “awakening” experiences but then the mind and misery came back and wants to know, “is “Enlightenment” a permanent state?” This is an INCREDIBLE video that is well worth the 23 minute investment.
In this AMAZING five minute video clip from Mooji, he invites us to remain in that place of silence where we are free from “working life out”.
This 10 minute video is one of Mooji‘s all time best. He focuses on trying to help us understand what life can be like after Realization. After bookmarking this video (because you will want to view it multiple times), let’s listen in on this very special message…
This is a clip from one of the most awesome interviews with Mooji EVER! Contrary to current popular teachings, Mooji says “Don’t try to live in the now”. Listen to what Mooji has to say about this…
THIS IS A SUPER SPECIAL VIDEO! Are you feeling restless? Here’s 8 minutes of bliss…
In this really wonderful five minute video, Mooji explains how our thoughts work, the mechanism of thinking, and whether our thoughts themselves are powerful or not? Listen to what Mooji says about this…
In this 7 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker that has surrendered her life to the realization of the “Truth” but is feeling a bit insecure financially and what is going to happen in the future. Mooji explains that life is an adventure in being and that one should trust life to show the way for the fulfillment of those adventures.