How to know what is truth ? What is truth after all ? Is the truth freedom ? Is the truth love ? Is the truth compassion ? Let us find out together with Mooji in this beautiful 11 minute video…
This nine minute deep inquiry will bring you to the discovery that will change everything. Mooji explains in a clear and consistent manner the only discovery that needs to be made and the effects of this discovery. Let’s get started…
In this lovely compilation, Rupert Spira & Mooji share their wisdom for enlightenment and the “direct path”. The message is presented with differences in vocabulary but completely the same in essence. Let’s join in…
In this lovely little 5 minute audio, a follower says that she missed seeing Mooji live twice but just had to get the material that she missed. Here is the great little compilation of what she found…
In this interesting 2 minute video, a questioner wants to know if experiencing Kundalini is truly important for Awakening. Let’s listen to Mooji‘s surprising response…
In this super clear and direct 9 minute video, Mooji takes us step by step into our true nature and the whole Truth about Awakening. If you want a short and accurate description of “Awakening” then lets get started…
In this spontaneous 11 minutes of wisdom expressed on one of his walks, Mooji reflects on the words of the great sage Ramana Maharshi, which leads to a powerful Satsang that shifts our attention from Person-hood to the deeper state of presence.
This video is a compilation of two talks in which Mooji addresses the topics of ‘mind attacks’ and ‘cling-on thoughts.’ With humour and simplicity, Mooji walks us through the immediacy and power of self-inquiry as a tool to bring us to clear seeing. Let’s join in…
Watch this enlightening talk with Mooji about the most direct way into the experience of our own true nature. This wonderfully produced video shares Mooji’s journey to Realization so let’s take our shoes off and get started…
In this beautifully produced 10 minute video, Mooji reminds us that all we need to keep uppermost in our minds on a moment to moment basis is the fact that we are Consciousness Awareness. Let’s site back and enjoy…
In this beautiful clip from Rishikesh (2020), Mooji is asked to clarify one of his pointings, that rather than just trying to escape suffering, to find out who is the sufferer. Mooji leads us in this profound contemplation…
In this AMAZING video Mooji explains, “The function of perception is very, very much twinned with consciousness. That’s what we mean by ‘consciousness’. Even perceiving is being perceived… Even the fact that we are perceiving itself is known… This must testify to something earlier than all of this.” Let’s listen to the ultimate wisdom of who we are…
In this inspiring video, Mooji explains that the first step for most people is to learn the difference between the mind and the “Self” because the fact is that you can live without the psychological mind, but this mind can not live without . So let’s continue with this step…
In this lovely little 3 minute audio, Mooji reminds us that once a realization takes place the juice is cut, but the momentum from years of conditioning will try to persist. Let’s find out what we can expect and how to deal with it all…
This AMAZING 15 minute audio contains the core teachings from Mooji. This is the ultimate reminder which contains easy to follow pointings which are the core teachings. Nothing is needed other than what is contained here so let’s get started…
In this AMAZING 4 minute audio, Mooji is truly inspiring. The words spoke in this recording are the Absolute irrefutable Truth. This is as far as the mind can comprehend with words, the only thing beyond this can not be spoken in words, but can be experienced. Let’s listen…
In this 5 minute video clip from Satsang, Mooji plays a game with us to help us remember that the door to ourselves is always within us. Let’s listen to these wise words of freedom…
In this FANTASTIC 5 minute compilation created by Jasmin Davis, we find clips that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mooji is NOT RESPONSIBLE for the way his followers feel about him and that he constantly discourages people from kissing his feet. It just so happens that this is a VERY common way to show respect in the Indian community and they just feel the need within themselves to show their respects to Mooji. Let’s listen to the reality… Click here to find out why people kiss feet in the Indian tradition.
Did you know that your Awakening may have already taken place?! The fact is that there are countless beings out there that have actually realized their true nature, but because the mind (ego) seems to return now and then, they are still waiting for an awakening to happen. The FACT is that Awakening is only a stage in our spiritual evolution and that once Awakening has taken place, integration of our new understanding in our daily lives is something that must include vigilance until our body’s dying breath. Let’s listen to what Mooji and Rupert Spira have to say…
This seventeen minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
In this lovely little 3 minute video, Mooji tells a couple of short stories of Jesus, Abraham, and Moses to remind us that the sense “I Am” is not a person but rather the same essence as the Godly principle itself. Let’s listen…
In this super short 3 minute clip we find one of Mooji‘s most powerful messages to bring our attention back to the “Self”. He reminds us of how we came to misidentify with a false sense of self and what is really going on behind the curtain of illusion. Let’s close our eyes and soak it in…
In this 4 minute audio, Mooji explains that the way of the mind is to focus on many things but that the way of the Beingness is to focus on ONE thing until it has settled in your heart and become experiencially realized within. Let’s listen to these wise words…
In this interesting nine minute video, Mooji uses a true story about one of Leonardo DaVinci’s paintings to drive home the reality that under all the conditioning and imaginings shines our priceless true nature. Let’s open our ears and hearts to this message…
In this glorious thirteen minute video, Mooji speaks about not indulging the mind and learning to read the language of the vital force. This clip is filled with great wisdom and worth every minute to watch …
In this great little seven minute video, a follower tells Mooji that he finally “Got It”. This usually is followed by Mooji replying “who’s got it?”, but upon closer examination Mooji seems to be pleased with his description and that perhaps a deeper understanding has taken place. Let’s watch…
In this thirteen minute video clip from the end of a retreat in Rishikesh, Mooji recaps what has transpired and drives home the most important points of his teachings. This video could also be used as a thirteen minute guided meditation so lets sit back, relax and listen…
In this twelve minute video, a follower bears witness to his experience of realizing the stillness within and describes how there was no fireworks or much of anything out of the ordinary. Mooji explains that this is why it is very important not to place ANY expectations or projections from the mind on how liberation will take place.