Mooji – There can be nothing without “I”

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This short 6 minute video describes the principle that there can be nothing without you appearing as the “I”. This is the master key to the ultimate understanding of how the physical world comes into being.

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sethu says:

The emphasis on I I I Mooji thank you so so much!!!

rob Brandsma says:

Mooji’s words are always music to my ears but on his daily visits someone put a background jingle! Why, because everything nowadays has background or even foreground jingles ? It must be well meant but please, or am i the only backgroundjinglehater ?

nayogeesh says:

All these years I have been searching for god.
One day suddenly I happen to visit Mooji on Youtube.. I am really so happy now.
Oh dear Moojiii We all love you so much. I saw the video A simple profound introduction to self inquiry and a video on enlightenment then so many videos.
I know that whatever we see, hear, perceive, taste etc all are gods creation right from air, water.
But Man becomes proud owner and patents everything. God Bless Mooji. Let there be peace, peace, peace.

Anonymous says:

Hate the background music. Only distracts. Not helpful at all.

Nayana says:

Thanks ……for core teaching……

Glenda Jasper says:

Mooji conferring with I AM is embracing self beyond the veil without body
Quietly knowing the difference in all things becoming this One greatness of I who see..

Rekha Patel says:

Om….Thanks for this video….it shows because of …I…exit everything….very clearly n easy to understand you….I am very grateful with Love…Pranam to my Beloved Mooji!!!……I listen your video…i am learning more n i feel you are with me.I LOVE YOU DEAR MOOJI!!!…….Om.

Sasha says:

Please, this video has subtitles in Portuguese, Spanish or English? Tank you.

Rekha patel says:

Om….Thanks with my Love…Pranam Dear Guruji….very nice …very Clear video….Om.

devora says:

thank you . such precious jewels these short video’s with Beloved Sri Mooji Baba OM shanti

Bill says:

Beautiful Mooji message! (Very distracting and unnecessary visuals).

Gertrud says:

Thank you so much

emir says:

Thank you so much for your secret heart work…

Brigitte says:

Mooji your words speek direktly into my heart. Thank you so much!

Laise Maria Poerner says:

Somente GratidAUM!!

Maria says:

What is the i.

The i.. Will take u home, when u find out the i.

The i is the witness of all things.

Maria says:

What is i.. The most important question u will ask yourself..

More important than what is God..

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