Mooji Video: “What is in the way of my realization?”

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This 6 minute video is on target as Mooji explains what could possibly be in the way of your realization.  Don’t miss this five star classic…

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Anonymous says:

How can the sweetness be separated from the honey?

Anonymous says:

Isn’t the mind the one obstructing pure view??

Nayana says:

Our illusion is coming in between like thoughts I.e. Mind and identity.Stop thinking because we are not that &.witness them…..It seems v easy….conditioned mind obstructs our True Being…!!!!!

Glenda Jasper says:

As we choose to understand we can then choose to let go being in the greatness of One Love in the Silence of knowing our name in you..

Rekha Patel says:

Om…Very true…there is no distance between me and God… speak very clearly…i am learning from you.Thank you with my Love…Pranam Beloved Mooji!!!….Om.

Sérgio Rafael de Almeida says:

Thanks mooji darling great your love i dont speak but understend in found direcions amém love god god god ❤️

Tina says:

Namaste! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for this most profound video of the Truth – who we are. Our beloved Moojibaba’s wise words resonate within me like this:
Our thinking mind is often confusing us with a lot of questions and thoughts … for instance; that there would be something between us and the Truth. When we are mature enough to not identify us with this confusion – it will not so easily catch us anymore. Sooner or later we realize that there is nothing else than the Truth – within us and around us – everywhere! Thank You … Namaste!

John says:

Mooji, the speaker of truth !!!

Anonymous says:

Thanks…very easy way .Jay Mooji Baba ❤

Brigitte says:

Thougths are coming in between.

Thanks Mooji for telling us the truth in such easy way.

Yvonne Spaulding says:

Ah, Dearest Mooji – there are no words, except
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Love you,

Anonymous says:

every personality have own truth and because of that persons are separate. beings in consciousness are in harmony of oneness because the beingness is only one.

Maria says:

There’s nothing between me and the truth only my conditioned mind.

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