In this 10 minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “Isn’t inquiry just a vicious circle?” Mooji responds that inquiry is not a never ending circle and that there is only one ultimate watcher. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s detailed response…
In this 10 minute video, Mooji responds to the question, "Isn't inquiry just a vicious circle?" Mooji responds that inquiry is not a never ending circle and that there is only one ultimate watcher. Let's listen in on Mooji's detailed response...
In this 10 minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “Isn’t inquiry just a vicious circle?” Mooji responds that inquiry is not a never ending circle and that there is only one ultimate watcher. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s detailed response…
very powerful video! thank you <3
Fantastic clarity, even Truth is a concept !! Thank u so much for mining out such wonderful videos
This video is really wonderful and worth hearing again and again. I was surprised to see that I had already given a feedback. However, I feel even more clarity and conviction has come to me today than last time. I feel like saying yes to every statement that Mooji speaks, for I can confirm it immediately.
Thank you sooooo….. much, dear Moojiji and sangha for sharing this video
Core teaching is given….Thanks……
It is getting clearer and clearer. Thank you Mooji and thank you the person who have asked the questions that I wanted to ask.
Thank you Mooji. The self is so present everytime I listen to your words/pointers
So many thank Mooji
Thank you I hadn’t seen this one before and it’s so wonderful and helpful 🙂 ❤️
Amazing Amazing Amazing thanks MOOJI and thanks to all who are sharing the videos
Such gratitude rises up for this living Master, our miracle on earth. Also am so grateful for the thoughtful ones whose idea this was to send a daily ‘feeding of Truth.
It is a pleasure to listen to Mooji. Bless you Mooji for sharing your loving wisdom.
Such patience you are indeed a master. blessings!
God perceives All through me and you thank you for this ” for the little me inside which is as big as the universe knows…and its ok I Am not Afraid thank you for being my friend Peace and Love Always
Om….Thank you….nice video….very Deep Knowledge.Love…Gratitude…Pranam to ky Bel9ved Mooji…..Om.
Om…Thank you…nice video…very deep knowledge.Love…Gratitude…Pranam to my Beloved Mooji…..Om.
There is this … And there is a relaxing into the words. Blessings
Thank you! Love!
the recognition of what already is
Thanks only thanks and kisses and beaoutiful
Jeeeezz 2007!!!
You are killing me. (In the best possible way…)
Thank you for your continuous love and perseverance to remind and point and… no matter how stubborn and guessöess we seem…
Much love…. Chris
Namaste! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You – Mooji – so much, for your strength, patience and words of wisdom! Why do we let these questions bother us and waste so much time on “to try to figure everything out … this is a perfect example how the thinking mind works and what it only does – is confusing us. It will never ever be clever enough to figure out the realization of the Self. The thinking mind is looking for something that we already are … how silly, isn’t it? Only by our own direct experiences about the Self – all these questions will disappear … Thank You … Namaste!
MarvelousGoodness. thank You Mooji<3
I love Mooji, but he leaves a lot of abstractions. He only takes you so far then leaves it up to you to have some sort of sudden realization. I get what he’s doing, but what he doesn’t say is that for most people it doesn’t work like that. If you listen to Mooji and still feel some sort of block or like you just can’t get there, I recommend Rupert Spira. Same teaching, but he will experientially walk you right to ‘it’. He leaves nothing unsaid. Nothing for you to figure out on your own. And he also states that it is often a slow burning away of that which you are not. You get more peaceful with more and more understanding over time and it’s true! My life is changing little by little after years of listening to Mooji and just not getting it. Now I can listen to Mooji and ‘get it’ but it’s because Rupert walked me right to it.
What I’m saying is that I feel this man’s frustration. I want to say to him, listen to Rupert Spira and read his books. Then you’ll get the understanding that Mooji is pointing to. I say that to any Mooji follower who just can’t seem to come to that which he is pointing even though Mooji talks about how obvious it is.
Sometimes, I have no idea what you’re talking about. You seem a little full on. Like we should know what you’re talking about and you make fun of those that should know. I did not like listening to this. Yet, you can be the most wondeful human being I have ever come across. You have helped me beyond words. There is no point really in me describing my words to you, because you will never hear them.
Beautiful, I love when he said two things.
What’s knowledge only assumptions as it’s not truth if your not there to witness it.
I like when he said it’s easier to eat of Anothers plate than your own, so u take there knowledge as yours rather than trying to sit and be aware of your own truth.
Beautiful.. He always makes me challenge every lie because beliefs are lies we tell ourselves to feel secure but security is an illusion.
He also gently makes me realize being the witness is very powerful as my mind will never come to tell me the truth of who I am as who I am cannot be defined.
Thank u.
I’m trying to get into the habit of watching the videos twice as mooji has a beautiful way of showing us where we’re trapped and it’s usually in the mind and not being open and resisting life because we think it should be a certain way and people should be a certain way.