Everyone has experienced wanting to know what to do when faced with a decision. In this awesome short video, Mooji explains the key to decision making. This is a FIVE STAR video.
In this precious six minute video, Mooji helps us understand how obsessed our minds are with what comes next and asks us to take a moment to imagine a life where is no concern for what’s next…
Listen in on Mooji‘s response to a devotee that says “I just want to be one with god”.
In this wonderful 5 minute video, Mooji reads from the Avadhuta Gita.
In this 10 minute video Mooji explains how we are not really experiencing suffering, but rather that we are suffering our experience (a quote from Nisargadatta Maharaj). No matter what our minds say under emotional duress, the fact is that the only reason we are suffering is because we are totally identified with the “person”.
In this short 5 minute video, a devotee wants to know how we can strike a balance between mind and the “self”. Mooji demonstrates that the mind can not achieve balance because it is invested in projections of what balance should be. Then he goes on to explain how inner balance comes to be.
In this short 6 minute video, Mooji explains that the phantom self (ego, personality, mind) is like a monkey on your back. You can not see the monkey until it is thrown off. He goes on to explain that even when the monkey is thrown off, you can not “know” the self because the true “self” is what is left when the monkey is gone. Who is to recognize it?
In this five minute video clip taken out of an interview, Mooji explains that the “Truth” is about the “Realization” that the true “You” is even prior to consciousness and its manifestations. This video essentially contains all that is needed to “Realize” the “Truth”.
In this wonderful 10 minute video from 2007, Mooji emphasizes that in order to be able to recognize the “Self”, we must make sure that we are not holding on to ANY idea of what awakening is like, or what the “Self” is like, or ANYTHING else for that matter. The video is not the best quality but the message is supreme.
In this great 10 minute video from Mooji, he asks the question “If it was available right now, to recognize your true place, at ANY COST, would you take this opportunity?” This question is asked to help reveal the possible causes for your delay.
This nine minute video focuses on shedding the body/mind identification or at least seeing its unreality. Mooji explains that the body mind identification can only live through the power that we give it, whether knowingly or unknowingly.
This 10 minute video from Mooji is a clip from Rishikesh Satsang on 13th March 2016. He tells the story of Lakshman to demonstrate that as long as there is arrogance, as long as there is any identification with the body/mind, the questions that come forth will be “false” questions that can not be answered with the Truth.
Very often the mind is looking for a solution or a course of action to life’s circumstances long before it is TRULY necessary. In this fourteen minute video, Mooji explains that these seemingly pressing matters normally stem from fear or some kind of projection from the mind as to how things should be. Let’s listen in on the solution to these seemingly real circumstances…
In this super short one and a half minute moment, Mooji reminds us of a VERY important point about the fact that anything other then myself is only an idea I have about myself. Let’s see how Mooji puts it…
In this HILARIOUS eleven minute clip of Mooji, an inquiry comes in the form of a letter wanting to know the requirements needed to perform Satsangs and what to do to remain pure as the “Self” during the process of Satsang.
In this lovely five minute video, we find Mooji talking to us about his true nature while hearing him chanting in the background. Very well produced video with an usual slant. One worth watching…
In this eight minute video, Mooji explains that the desire for achievement is perfectly fine as long as we’re not attached to how things go or how things turn out and that the discovery of Truth within oneself remains the priority througout. Lets listen to Mooji’s explanation…
In this great little two minute video, Mooji provides a tool to help us stop our busy daily activities and take a moment to re-center ourselves and our attention and take a break from all the noise of the mind and our surroundings. Let’s listen to this wonderful little exercise…
In this great 12 minute audio, Mooji reads selected verses from the Avadhuta Gita. Let’s sit back, relax and let these timeless words sink into your heart…
In this 4 part series, a questioner wants to know why Robert Adams, Ramana Maharshi and Mooji were not really looking for enlightenment but it just happened to take place without intention. Mooji explains several very important principles that form the basis for his teachings. This is part FOUR of FOUR so let’s get started…
In this exceptional 11 minute video from the archives, a follower seems to be very confused about the fact that her attention keeps following the mind and wants to know if that is alright and what can she do about it. Let’s listen to Mooji sage advice…
In this AMAZING five minute video clip from Mooji, he invites us to remain in that place of silence where we are free from “working life out”.
Mooji explains that consciousness wants to experience anything and everything it can through this body, but in doing so it gets more and more hypnotized into the dream of being the person. Once we have reached a certain maturity, it is time to wake up from the dream and realize that we can still experience without identifying with form.
In this great 7 minute video from Mooji, he explains that human beings are an expression of the consciousness and not the controller or possessors of consciousness. Let’s listen in on this short boost of wisdom from Mooji…
https://youtu.be/5oJcvZPUU0YIn this short 5 minute video, Mooji explains that often we call our attention “I” and take it to be who we are when in reality attention is only a functioning. It is one of the greatest powers of consciousness BUT it is NOT the essence of who we are.
The windshield wiper story they are speaking about at the beginning of the video can be found here. This video clip is so AMAZING that there are no words to describe its importance if one is truly searching for the truth. In 5 minutes, Mooji speaks of at least 6 “Ah Ha!” revelations in simple, clear language that anyone that is ready for the truth can understand and assimilate. This video was given 5 stars only because this blog can not accommodate 10 stars. That is how important the information in this video is. Mooji can fluctuate greatly in clarity
This is part two of a three part series of Mooji speaking to one inquiring mind searching for the “The Truth”. However, every part stands on its own. This particular interaction is very lighthearted as well as providing super clear insight as Mooji leads this being from confusion to clarity. This is a MUST SEE for anyone experiencing any kind of confusion. Click here for Part 1Click here for Part 3
In this short 5 minute video, a seeker says that they have identified the ego and the “I” and want to know why they are still experiencing difficulties in their life. Mooji explains that it is still a case of wrong identification and non acceptance of what is. Listen to how Mooji puts it…