In this 22 minute heartfelt exchange, a student shares the transformation he has experienced through Satsang, but still seeks help with anger that occasionally arises in daily life. Moojibaba responds clearly and practically, highlighting the identity of the one who is apparently struggling with this issue. Through the guidance of observing with detachment, the anger is used as an opportunity to recognise our true nature as the uninvolved witness.
In this inspired 11 minute video, Mooji receives a question about how to deal with work-related stress and the feeling of getting lost in this. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wisdom filled advice on this popular subject…
This is a beautiful 8 minute video that features Mooji reminding us to stop wasting our time on nonsense, including text and amazing videos and images. Let’s listen as Mooji get right to the point…
In this short 12 minute video, a questioner has several questions about our search for the Truth verses our personal relationships. Let’s listen to Mooji as he replies to his question and where the misunderstandings might be. Let’s get started…
In this super direct 4 minute video, Mooji reminds us what true happiness is all about and how we can live in a permanent state of happiness. Let’s hurry and get started…
In this brilliant 15 minute video, Mooji reminds us that life is just like a movie. “You know (the surface movement) is a movie; can you watch without identifying? …. why are we so hypnotized into this identity?” Let’s find out…
This amazing 15 minute video, Mooji conducts a dialogue about various fears that come up in the mind in resistance to total freedom. “The mind can only blackmail you if you have something to defend… the fears only have some holding power while you are identified with your projections.” Let’s listen as Mooji explains further…
If we take look at our life we will see that we always imagined that we are the something and that something is aware, but what if it is totally different ? What if nothing is dreaming that is something ? Let’s listen to Mooji’s amazing explanation…
This beautiful and short 3 minute video, Mooji explains that “practice is not a goal. Practice is the means to the goal. For seekers of truth, practice is the means to return to our original nature. The Self.” Let’s continue…
Is there a world without you, without a perceiver? Can we see the world for what it really is and not how we perceive it? Let us find out together with Mooji in yet another 8 minute deep inquiry…
What happens in deep sleep ? Where do you go ? What or who remains in deep sleep ? If we know that there is observer in our wake state who is or what is there or is it there when we are in deep sleep? Let us inquire together with Mooji in this deep inquiry…
This nine minute deep inquiry will bring you to the discovery that will change everything. Mooji explains in a clear and consistent manner the only discovery that needs to be made and the effects of this discovery. Let’s get started…
In this lovely 12 minute talk we are guided by Mooji through self-inquiry to see that whatever we perceive, remember, learn, think and experience are all sensations appearing in and witnessed by the consciousness we are. Let’s watch now…
In this very important video, a seeker is experiencing panic and wants to know, “Is this panic that follows deep insight normal?” Let’s listen to Mooji‘s reply and eternal wisdom…
In this fantastic 14 minute video, Mooji explains that even the busiest mind can also be observed, thought without belief has no power, because of that you are the self, the one who gives power by your observation. You are already the Self. Do this amazing and deep inquiry with Mooji together and see the truth.
In this 4 minute video clip, Mooji responds to the question, “Is there Free Will or is everything predetermined?” Questioner asks Mooji to clarify the teachings of Sadhguru and Ramana Maharshi on this subject.
Is the life without I AM possible ? Who is the I that AM ? Can we live without that in our daily life? Let us dive deep in this beautiful invitation to freedom from Mooji and find out together not just wait for the answer but inquire deep.
The meaning of life is found when we understand our true reality. Mooji explains that true reality projects our internal reality to our external world. When we discover our purpose, we find that the meaning of life is simply to live toward our chosen purpose. Once we find our purpose, we then have a reason to live and remain alive. This does not mean to live for other people. It has to be larger than that, so that your purpose and meaning never die.
In this lovely 16 minute video from the archives, Mooji talks to us about attachments and reminds us that it’s the battle that took place in the Bhagavad Gita itself. This is one of the most powerful and ancient concepts that needs to go through a transition period to transcend. Let’s get started…
In this lovely 15 minute video, a questioner ask Mooji about romantic relationships. There isn’t a ton of material on this from Mooji so this audio is extra special. Let’s get started…
What is the final step ? How to dissolve identity ? How to go beyond Personhood ? Answer is the easier than you think – let go of the identity and just be. If you still struggling than do it together with Mooji in this beautiful Wisdom video.
The image, the idea about ourself is the source of our suffering. All the ideas that we have about us is that what is standing in our way of awakening. We must transcend the idea about ourselves. Let us do that together with this wonderful 15 minute video from Mooji.
In this interesting 11 minute video, a seeker says that she is full of pain and wants to know if it is possible for Love to also contain Pain.  Let’s listen to Mooji‘s wisdom on this…
In this precious 6 minute exploration, Mooji speaks about how Truth has the ability to expand our consciousness. As we begin to experience the fruit of this looking, a wider world opens up giving us more joy and peace.
In this 10 minute video, a questioner says that he is so tired of the emotional ups and downs in his search for the Self and he just wants to know, “when is it going to end”?  Let’s listen to Mooji‘s approach to the answer…
In this brilliant 7 minute video,  Mooji reminds us that often we just believe in too many things and that every time you choose a belief you are actually passing up freedom.  I don’t know if that made sense or not, so let’s let Mooji explain…
In this very special 23 minute video, Mooji shares this simple ‘escape button’ metaphor and guided inquiry to take us beyond mind identification and into our natural joy and freedom. Let’s get started…
In this wonderful 20 minute video, Mooji helps us to understand our conditioning and explains why this understanding is crucial in helping us deal with our Sadhana.  Let’s listen carefully to this amazing practical advice…