Everything that we ever wanted to know about the world and our selves we can find out in self inquiry. That is the power of self inquiry. The sharpest tools that we have to look beneath the layers of mind and ego. Let us do that now together with Mooji.
Here is another wonderful 5 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom. This edition features Mooji explaining that the I Am is the true landlord of this body, it’s the God principle inside, but it can go towards the body identification and becomes more personal. But at some point the potential will sprout in you to research and discover more about yourself. Just hear it and let it be transmitted inside your own being,
In this amazing video, Mooji helps us remember the importance of learning how to observe how everything is coming and going.  This will lead to the discovery that there is only one “thing” that is NOT coming and going.  When this happens, one has found the Self.  Let’s listen…
Through this profound Invitation guidance, Mooji presents an auspicious opportunity into the greatest discovery – to confirm from your own being the timeless Truth within yourself. Let’s get started…
Here is a very short 2 minute spontaneous video in which Mooji explains that in our search we come to realize that the greatest treasure lies within.  Let’s listen to this amazing tidbit of wisdom…
In this awe inspiring 11 minute treasure, Mooji invites us to look within as he shares some words of wisdom. But before we join him, he is asking us to leave our minds at the door…
This recording is part of the ‘Best of Zmar 2019’ collection.   In this retreat excerpt, Mooji gives a potent and distilled guidance into the recognition of the pure sense ‘I Am.’ Let’s join in…
In this lovely Satsang, Mooji shares some introspections on our true nature. By receiving and reflecting upon these introspections in a meaningful way, one comes to a point of authentic and clear seeing. So, let’s get started…
This video is a compilation of two talks in which Mooji addresses the topics of ‘mind attacks’ and ‘cling-on thoughts.’ With humour and simplicity, Mooji walks us through the immediacy and power of self-inquiry as a tool to bring us to clear seeing.  Let’s join in…
Watch this enlightening talk with Mooji about the most direct way into the experience of our own true nature.  This wonderfully produced video shares Mooji’s journey to Realization so let’s take our shoes off and get started…
In this beautifully produced 10 minute video,  Mooji reminds us that all we need to keep uppermost in our minds on a moment to moment basis is the fact that we are Consciousness Awareness.  Let’s site back and enjoy…
In this super direct 15 minute guided meditation, Mooji takes us on his “Invitation to Freedom” where we can experientialy discover that when we leave our mind outside, and we empty our consciousness there is nothing left but a profound sense of Being.  Let’s get started…
In this beautiful clip from Rishikesh (2020), Mooji is asked to clarify one of his pointings, that rather than just trying to escape suffering, to find out who is the sufferer. Mooji leads us in this profound contemplation…
In this beautiful 3 minute reminder, Mooji responds to the question, “Does Consciousness have any boundaries?”.  Mooji encourages us to look inwards and outwards to see if consciousness has a border, limit, or fades at any point.  Let’s join Mooji into this inquiry…
In this eye opening video, a questioner wants to know the difference between Awareness, Consciousness and the Self.  Mooji begins by explaining that the “Self” is the source which springs forth the entire universe and how “it” relates to Awareness and Consciousness. Let’s listen…
In this EXCELLENT video, a follower explains that she is experiencing the best day of her life because she has finally realized that she doesn’t exist.  This leads Mooji into a deep look at the “Person” we believe ourselves to be and that this illusion is the first realization that must be transcended.  Let’s listen in…
In this 7 minute video clip from Russia, a questioner says that she has tried everything but her inquiry is just not working.  Mooji explains that when nothing is working, there is a great opportunity to burn all of our misconceptions. Let’s listen to this practical advice…
In this super short 3 minute audio, Mooji explains that we need not stress over our inquiry into the self.  Often this can lead to a type of paranoia so it’s best to just surrender to the process and not fight the mind, relax into yourself and let the inquiry lead you to a place of peace and realization….
In this inspiring 12 minute audio, Mooji covers a lot of ground and helps us to pinpoint the true witness and seer and points us to that which is prior to seeing. This audio covers so much material it is best to just get started…
In this lovely 11 minute video of a Skype session, Mooji explains that your pure Self can not be in conflict with itself, therefore whenever any inner conflicts arise, you immediately know that this is not you and stand as that which is aware of the conflict. Mooji puts it much better so let’s get started…
In this beautiful 10 minute talk, Mooji speaks about the importance of questioning the ‘I’ and of overcoming all resistance to inquiry. He continues by helping us see that the Truth is right under our nose but that most of the time we are too distracted to see it.
In this lovely little 4 minute audio, Mooji reminds us of what needs to take place in order for us to push beyond intellectual understanding of our true Self.  He explains that we must be willing to jump into the fire of self-discovery… let’s listen…
In this great 11 minute audio that very few have ever heard, Mooji explains why inquiry and investigating our inner world is so important and how this kind of introspection is the key to realizing the “Self”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s pointings…
In this FANTASTIC 5 minute compilation created by Jasmin Davis, we find clips that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mooji is NOT RESPONSIBLE for the way his followers feel about him and that he constantly discourages people from kissing his feet.  It just so happens that this is a VERY common way to show respect in the Indian community and they just feel the need within themselves to show their respects to Mooji.  Let’s listen to the reality… Click here to find out why people kiss feet in the Indian tradition.
In this great little 3 minute video clip from Satsang, Mooji takes us on a quick trip from the ego to the “I Am” and beyond. This video is fantastic for anyone looking for a quick reminder and should be saved to favorites immediately.  Let’s join in…
In this 9 minute video clip from one of his Satsangs, Mooji takes us on a short guided trip to the “Self”.  Just sit back, relax and follow the sound of Mooji’s voice to a place that we all share. Let’s get started…
In this great little 8 minute video clip, Mooji responds to an inquiry from a seeker who wants to know, “How do I let go of the attention itself?”  Mooji explains the nature of attention and how there is the ONE who is aware of our focus of attention. Let’s listen in…
Mooji explains that our perfume is freedom and that ultimately we are “That” which is Aware of all that is coming and going.  Since in the world of form, everything is coming and going, what is left is what never changes… let’s listen to how Mooji describes this…