In this short 5 minute video, Mooji helps us to see that the “I” that is commenting about everything is pure arrogance and is actually the “I” that needs to be gotten rid of.
It here is only one thing, only one pointing, highest to realize for any human, than this is it – AWARENESS is the first. Let us dive deep with Mooji in this powerful but beautiful advice – inquiry.
In this glorious thirteen minute video, Mooji speaks about not indulging the mind and learning to read the language of the vital force. This clip is filled with great wisdom and worth every minute to watch …
In this great 9 minute reminder, Mooji reminds us that Awakening has nothing to do with trying to stop thought. The fact is that we can never stop thought, nor will we ever be able to stop thoughts. The entire point of freedom is about dis-empowering thoughts, NOT getting rid of them. Let’s listen…
Gratitude is thankfulness, it elevates us to the frequency of Love. We are all blessed in ways we can’t even imagine, and here in this 12 minute video, Mooji shows us a powerful exercise and prayer to face these difficult times.
This video helps us to understand the concept of Aloneness and what is beyond the concept of Aloneness and our attachments to not being alone.
In this short six minute video of a spontaneous moment with Mooji, he explains that life will take on all kinds of thoughts and activities as long as we have a body and the mind will try to play the judge of what is happening, but all we need to do when this happens is to keep quiet and just let life unfold on its own.
In this potent 16 minute talk, Mooji points to the singular understanding which can set us free from all of the suffering born from the mind and person-hood.
In this very touching five minute video from a recent Satsang in the Netherlands, a devotee explains how he came to realize the role that “choice” has in our lives and the ultimate realization that although we may feel like we are making choices, there is really no way to surprise God. Let’s get some tissues and press play…
On this joyful 8 minute morning walk, Mooji shares about the natural harmony of life that is experienced the more we are drawn into the heart of true Self discovery.
Watch this enlightening talk with Mooji about the most direct way into the experience of our own true nature. This wonderfully produced video shares Mooji’s journey to Realization so let’s take our shoes off and get started…
In this nine minute video, an inquiry comes in saying that she feels like the illusory nature of the ego has been revealed to her but that somehow she feels like it is still hiding somewhere, and wants to know what she can do about it. Mooji responds by first reminding her not to worry about the return of the ego and then provides advice on how to keep it in its proper perspective.
In this great little 9 minute video, a questioner wants to know how he can lay his false sense of self at Mooji’s feet to which Mooji replies with a true story about himself that helps demonstrate how the ego is like an infection that must be treated and/or removed.
In this very short video, Mooji helps us understand the meaning of that “stateless state” he often calls emptiness. Although emptiness cannot truly be defined (as it has no quality with which to define it), this video is a valiant attempt to illustrate that which cannot be illustrated.
In this special, well produced 5 minute video, Mooji reminds us that our world is shaped by our understanding of reality and the thoughts that result from that understanding. Let’s listen in…
In this short five minute excerpt from a Sunday Satsang held October 2017, Mooji talks about the beauty and power of complete surrender.
Here is another wonderful 7 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this beautiful and powerful video from Satsang, we find Mooji offering his invitation to FREEDOM. He invites us to look and see through illusions of thoughts, observe what is coming and going and stay as that which is observing. Let us observe together with Mooji.
In this lovely 20 minute video, Mooji’s emphasis in this talk is on the importance of observing thoughts and sensations with detachment. From the stillness of the detached witness, peace and harmony infuse all of our daily interactions. Let’s get started…
In this short four minute video, Mooji reveals the truth about Karma being for the idea people have about themselves (the person) and not for the true Self. He goes on to explain the illusion of Karma and its relationship to our illusory self. Lets listen in as he offers his words of wisdom…
In this five minute clip, Mooji replies to a seeker wanting to know if it is possible that he is suffering from a bad conscience, or a suffering mind. Let’s listen to Mooji’s enlightened response…
In this fantastic 15 minute video, Mooji offers us a great contemplative exercise to help determine where we are at exactly with our understanding of the Truth. Don’t miss out on this…
This super short video gets right to the point of the entire search.
In this wonderful ten minute video clip from Mooji filmed in Brazil, he replies to the inquiry “When you wake up, what is your first experience?” He uses his reply to this question to show that nothingness always remains unchanged and that we are this nothingness (emptiness, space). German translation included (Click CC).
Here is another wonderful 4 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom. “Once freed from the cage of personhood, you are coming to the place of ‘I Am’. The ‘I Am’ removes the ‘I-person’ identity and again abides naturally in the ‘I’. Now you are experiencing yourself more as being. This is the first great step of awakening — the shift from person to presence…”
This short 6 minute video describes the principle that there can be nothing without you appearing as the “I”. This is the master key to the ultimate understanding of how the physical world comes into being.
Here is another wonderful 7 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this 5 minute video clip, a questioner wants Mooji to confirm her understanding of the Self as emptiness so that she can be 100% without doubt and finish her search forever. Mooji responds by explaining that as far as the mind goes, there are no guarantees and no way to guarantee that doubts will never come. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s brilliant answer…