Mooji Quotes: All of Our Thinking and Delusions Are of This World

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Here is another wonderful 6 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.

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Anonymous says:

Love is who I am, unconditional Love of being at peace. Not attached to anything and not in Love with nothing. I realize being attached is empty thinking; It doesn’t exist, it’s not real.
Thank you

Charlene Sevin says:

I’m so happy, My videos are playing again
Love y’all Charlene

Susana de los Santos says:

Good morning Estimado Mooji. He estado escuchando uno de Sus videos y SU voz es maravillosa así como SUS Enseñanzas. Estoy en el grupo de Budismo y Meditación. De ahí me pude conectar con Usted. Gracias mil!!

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