Mooji – Don’t Worry About How We are All Connected

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Don’t try to be one!  This is something that you already are. There is no need to try. Ultimately you are completely alone because there is nothing but you.

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Anonymous says:

To become one first be completely alone. Thank you again.

Caroline says:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Lalla says:

Dear, Dearest Mooji Thank you! Thank you so much!

Amber Crystal Dawn Ghassemzadeh says:

Your a blessing to us who are curious and need understanding! Thank you for you words of wisdom! Much love from Atlanta Ga

Yoke Thie says:

I feel so at ease with your voice and when I look into your eyes I see vastness and wisdom. Emptiness and sparkling all together forming a wonderful radiance of Love and Understanding.

I share your video’s Mooji on my facebookchannel. Not all of them… but this one.. Yes.

odete santos says:

Grata grata grata Namaste

Sumita says:

Yet again a layer has fallen revealing a deeper fear that was hidden .. of being alone! That too is now fallen. So much Grace. Thank you Thank you Thank you… Love u More

Maria says:

In order to become one we need to be ok alone.

Anonymous says:

Lost my puppy last night… whole day I was feeling defeated… have I not given the right medicine, not enough of it? Whole day I was feeling guilty, may be she could have recovered if I did something different. Then I listen to Mooji and come to some kind of acceptance… for a while… five minutes after the video stops mind falls back into the same disaster story. While I listen to Mooji all seems so clear, how come that this clarity doesn’t stay? I am so so tutor these morning ne games.

Padma says:

Lost my puppy last night… whole day I was feeling defeated… have I not given the right medicine, not enough of it? Whole day I was feeling guilty, may be she could have recovered if I did something different. Then I listen to Mooji and come to some kind of acceptance… for a while… five minutes after the video stops mind falls back into the same disaster story. While I listen to Mooji all seems so clear, how come that this clarity doesn’t stay? I am so so tutor these morning ne games.

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