Mooji Video: A Few Moments to Be Light and Free

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Here Mooji presents a beautiful small, yet powerful exercise that can be done without effort and help you to spend a few minutes to be light and free.

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Vesna says:

Beautiful. Simple. All encompassing. All loving… As just as Beloved Moojiji is.
Thank you

Mary says:

Thanks you

Diane says:

Thank you so much.

Margit Rajda says:

Köszönöm szépen, Mooji.

Maria says:

” light and free”, what a beautiful way to be!

Sasha says:

Muito obrigada!

Haileselassie F says:

Simple but powerful , feeling free ,self and spontaneous delight.God bless !!

Jorge says:

Gracias, es DIVINO.

Anonymous says:

Awwww ..Mooji! Sweet man.

Prim says:

Thank you for this exercise.

Prim says:

Unable to get rating right. Should of been 5 stars,but only two showed when I pressed this.
Simple but effective.

Anonymous says:

Thank you Thank you Thank you i

Nicky says:

Thank you Mooji. This is beautiful.

Majda says:

This indeed always works.. came this morning as answer to turbulent emotions,I knew that , but have forgotten…. thank you for reminding me…. isn’t this a part of vigilance?

Jo says:

Thank you for posting this on my birthday as was the perfect present. Mooji’s love for us shows in simple practice.

Ness says:

Oh gosh. A keeper. Thank you for sharing this lovely message with me

Ailsa says:

Beautiful, thank you very much…

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