Mooji Video – A Letter Touches Mooji’s Heart

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A letter from a participant touches Mooji with the message that it is totally possible to realize the self.

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Cecile says:

Thank you so much beloved Mooji to share this beautiful and hope giving letter with us, it touches my heart too. As all of your powerful pointings; I feel blessed to receive them everyday, thank you thank you

Vesna says:

No word can express love and gratitude that is pouring out of my heart for this videos, for existance of beloved Mooji on this planet.
Blessed be all.

Ave says:

Thank you!
This experience (1) encourages me to repeat it again and again,’
(2) tell the others who are seeking it is worth and possible,
(3) advise them to watch Mooji (or the othres) and if anybody likes, make in intesively in satsang.

Christiane Vanhie says:

๐Ÿ™‚ This Grace is for ever and ever !!! It is the greatest present received in my life because of the pointing’s YOU did offer Mooji ! After burnout and desire to heal , I had the privilege to listen over and over again to the you tube’s .And did visit some of the satsangs in Rishikesh !!! Where …the first liberation was …:-) I Became free from identification and could discover the deep peace I’m within !!! …the infinite nothingness and joy in the same time … ho has no begin and no end …it’s in me and i’m this and only this ๐Ÿ™‚ THANK YOU MOOJI !!! SOOOOOOOO MUCH LOVE TO YOU AND EVERY LIVING BEING !!! Christiane

Thea Khama says:

What a blessed confirmation indeed. All my love

sally says:

Beautiful Just Beautiful Conformation Thank You For This Share Namaste Om Shanti Om Grace Be Mine Grace Be Thank You Mooji Baba

Linda Jame says:

“Taste it” realize and recognize your Self! What a gift to see Mooji light up as another acknowledges this One taste! The heart opens in this seeing of the confidence of being free and is overjoyed in the fruit if Mooji’s labor.
Thank you for this.

Michelle says:

Beautiful! Thank you, thank you!

Ilse says:

Wonderful, can feel it too, Love Sagai

Anonymous says:

The purpose of duality is for the expression of gratitude.

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