Mooji – No Rules to Follow for Realization

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If your guru, facilitator or teacher give you rules to go by for realization… Run!!!

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Cecile says:

Thank you so much beloved Mooji; I ran because of the rules and regulations of my former teacher, but mourned for four years for the loss of what he said beside these rules. Thank you thank you, now I am at peace, at least I understand it was to be and that grace brought me to you dearest Mooji.

misha says:

Love YOU

Margit Rajda says:

Köszönöm szépen, Mooji!

Anonymous says:

How does one choose to make an automatic monthly donation? Thank You You are in a beautiful Loving Service to get Mooji’s messages out to those who have Real Eyes to See and Real Ears to Hear and a Real Open Heart to Receive. Many Loving Blessings to You and All Life…

admin says:

To make an automatic monthly donation, simply go to this page and use Option #3. Thank you so much for your interest!!

Lalla says:

Thank you so much for this amazing video of Mooji !!! Thank you !

Doctor Vijay Randive says:

Thank you Mooji. I followed so many rules and practices for 10 years. When I strarted to listen you I realised that my previous Guru is using my devotion for his personal greeds. Now I am in so much peace at your holy feet. The journey ended. Seeker identity is fading away. Love you Mooji.

Anonymous says:

Beautiful Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Love and Blessings

Margaret Schmoyer says:

beautiful thank you

Belinda says:

Thank you so much Mooji exactly what I feel you just explained that was I’m question for a long time .. I feel free from this now .. Namaste ✨

Selene says:

Very beautiful teachings for the ones ready to hear! Thank you for your dedication Mooji! ❤️

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