This short Mooji video is a DIRECT pointing to the self. It also discusses how the mind (or most anyone else) doesn’t want you to recognize because then they will loose power over you. Brilliant!
It takes less than 3 minutes for Mooji to bring us back to the “Self”.  This video clip is a prime example.
If you are looking for a short video that breaks down everything one needs to know to realize the “Self”, then this is it. In this video, Mooji lays before us the nuts and bolts of “Realization”.  Any question that can not be answered by watching this video is simply not important when it comes to discovering or being the “Truth”. Anything and everything else is just mind play.
It’s truly amazing how much Mooji can communicate in only 4 minutes. Don’t tie yourself to what is passing and quickly discover that intuitive sense of what is not passing within us.
This is an EXCELLENT video that can be watched anytime we feel caught up in the mind. Mooji works with this lady to show that even the “I” is also a phenomenon and ALL that is taking place is taking place in your presence.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji uses a parable to help us understand why so few realize the “Self” when there are so many that are drawn to the “Truth”.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji helps us to see that the “I” that is commenting about everything is pure arrogance and is actually the “I” that needs to be gotten rid of.
In this 5 minute video Mooji addresses the super popular question, “How do I stay as the awareness?”.  The answer will surprise you. Please pardon the music in the background.
Who is the seer of “It”? What is “It”? Mooji explains that we are missing the obvious.
In this video, Mooji explains how we are not “destined” to awaken.  Destiny is for the body, not for what you truly are. Mooji uses a great story to explain how this is so.
In this 9 minute video, Mooji takes us on the journey from mind to Awareness itself.  Polish beings will find this video especially interesting as it is instantly translated into Polish.
What is life like after awakening?  This video from Mooji presents in detail and super easy descriptions of what life is like after awakening. I published this video last July but I think it is worth another visit.
In this video Mooji describes the beginning of his realization. This video continues with a part 2 which no longer speaking of his transformation, however, if you would like to watch it, please Click Here.
Listen in on Mooji‘s response to a devotee that says “I just want to be one with god”.
In this super short video Mooji explains that the “Truth” has nothing to do with believing.  You can NOT believe in the truth. Belief is for the ego. The “Truth” stands alone.
Recognition of the Truth Does Not Mean the Job is Finished. Mooji explains that recognition of the truth is normally the beginning of the assimilation of the truth. For some it can take months and for some years to fully assimilate completely into everyday life.
This 5 minute Mooji video has more wisdom than 98% of all the books ever written on the reality of perception. Within these words we can find the secret to the universe.
Mooji describes in detail what it is like for him at his level of understanding. This very short video is one of the best ever.  Don’t forget to share this one with your friends.
Mooji explains that we are already “That” and every thought, every idea, every concept we have until this is fully realized is simply the play of consciousness.
Many of us feel that somehow we need to loose something to find freedom.  Mooji explains that there is no need to loose anything because you are already liberated.  Only the mind creates imaginations making us feel as though we are not.
This short 5 minute Mooji video brings us back to “Self”.  Who are you?
The ultimate message of this Mooji video is that if you want to experience freedom, joy and peace, you must remain as the unassociated awareness… your attention needs to remain as awareness itself.  Any step, in any direction outside of the awareness is a step into muddy waters.
In this video, Mooji explains the day his ego was lost forever.
All questions are dancing around this question.  If we answer this one question, all other questions disappear.
Mooji explains that initially it is perfectly natural to identify with the body but eventually we must come to the realization that we are just pure awareness witnessing everything that is taking place through consciousness.
This is a great 5 STAR classic 9 minute video from Mooji to bring our attention back to self.
This Mooji video is only 5 minutes long, yet contains the answer to the question, “I feel like something is blocking me from being free, how do I let go?”.
Mooji explains, “All this existence that you see is inside you”, it’s a world according to you!