Mooji Video: From Person to Presence and Beyond

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Mooji explains, “All this existence that you see is inside you”, it’s a world according to you!

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Atma says:

Incredible compassionate direction. Thank you Sri Moojiji

roberto says:

Lovely as always, Thank You and thank You Mooji, and thank God for the absence of background jingle !

vaidehi says:

Mooji…does it mean that even though one may be going to lot of teachers, unless one comes in contact with a Realised Master, the teachings remain a teaching? It is not yet a reality for him? Or in other words if nothing transform the person, then the teacher is not teaching from his inner experience? Can we say this?

Eric says:


Roma singh says:

These profound yet simple words are so very powerful and true! Thank you Mooji !k

odete santos says:

Gratidão Mooji <3

Joanne Lafond says:

so it is not important that this world stands with humans not having to work or having to earn money. not having to eat, live or die before I wake up to be dreaming. It is my dream and I can play with it, in it.
I remember suggesting to my kids dealing with monsters and witches in nightmares to put a red nose on their faces cause that makes them run away they don’t like that you do that to them and it will have you laugh instantly and leave you free to go back to sleep or dreaming, happy and giggling. The same way you are proposing that this is all me doing all of it here. It makes it important and not important that I persue my dream. To not participate in what I don’t want to participate in is enough, is the key, a key to stand in what is possible with and beyond my imagination here. Somehow this explains the miracles I witnessed.
No doubts, no have to, no hatred. Not because they are wrong but just becuse it is my dream.
Thank you Mooji. I love having you around and chat about all of this that is and can be. I love your part in by dream. xxx

Despoina Oikonomou says:

Wonderful !
Freedom !
Thank you

DeLinda Hess-Sump says:

Thank you Joanna, this is helpful.

Saraswathi says:

Dear Ramana Mooji


Bill says:

What a delight to hear this pointing from Mooji (specially with no background music)! The animation was unnecessary. The brief singing at the end was a treat. Thank you!

Chrstina Todd says:

Thank you. Such joy in confirmation of the bliss beyond all things.


I rest in the beautiful space between the observer and the thought world, th@that how it seems to me at this moment.

Peter Guzman says:

Thank you ,Mooji for reminding Me that i am Awareness 24 -7 . Peter Guzman ,Richmond,Virginia

Ailsa says:

Very profound. Thank you

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