This 24 minute inquiry is a profound investigation into what is true beyond all appearances. Mooji emphasises the need for a mature seeker of Truth to be willing to let go of attachment to personal identity, and discover that which is beyond the relative world. With compassion and clarity, he guides us to see that much of what we consider to be our ‘self’—our thoughts, feelings and even the person we think we are—are impermanent and unreliable. The seeming solidity of our personal identity is questioned, revealing that it is ultimately perceived by something far more stable, pure, and timeless.
In this intimate and powerful 26 minute talk, Mooji not only evokes the direct experience of unchanging awareness, but he also empowers us to confirm this here and now, in an authentic way. He inspires us to contemplate deeply, confirm our true place and discover the joy of living as impersonal awareness.
In this lovely 24 minute video, Mooji shares the core of his teaching, beyond time, space or concept. He brings us the very present opportunity and direct way to find Truth – as he has done throughout these decades of sharing Satsang – and inspires a re-dedication of our hearts to This.
In this lovely 10 minute video, Mooji takes us by the hand into fresh step-by-step inquiry—everything, every thought, suggestion, image or sensation presented is still perceivable from a deeper place. All that is required is to have enough trust to apply the simplicity of this guidance.
This important 16 minute satsang looks into a subtle yet common pitfall along this path to freedom. This dialogue exposes where seeming knowledge can, in fact, become a pocket where personal identity remains unchallenged, and how only with persistence and openness to look does one move beyond all these ego mechanisms.
In this beautiful 20 minute guided meditation, Mooji guides us to drop everything, and as a result we effortlessly remain as our true nature — the vast and limitless space of Being.
In this inspired 20 minute video, Mooji guides an earnest seeker to go beyond fear and other distracting mental forces by engaging in a subtle and profound self-inquiry, the result of which can be felt instantaneously.
In this wonderful 7 minute video, In a deep and reflective tone, Mooji brings alive a timeless contemplation that reveals the essence of who we truly are.
In this short 18 minute video and powerful guidance from the April 2024 Awakening Intensive in Lisbon, Mooji offers us the key back to overcome the subtle tricks of the mind.
In this short 20 minute excerpt from the recent Satsang Intensive in Lisbon, Mooji invites us to plunge into the heart of Self-inquiry.
Mooji met with some Sangha friends from the nearby village. What started off as a short visit for a cup of tea, turned into a profound inquiry into the nature of the Self.  This Satsang is full of essential pointers that are a great aid for anyone seeking spiritual liberation.
In this 20 minute video, Mooji offers grounding guidance to a devoted student seeking help. He encourages her to continue with the current exercise, saying that these fluctuations from person to presence are normal in the process of awakening.
In this awesome 20 minute video from Mooji, a student seeks clarification on what Nisargadatta Maharaj meant when he said, “I have no use for my Beingness.” We are directed to an experiential discovery that cannot be grasped through the knowledge of the mind. Let’s get started…
In this great 22 minute video, Mooji offers potent guidance on surrender through a practical exercise known as ‘The Basket of God.’ He highlights the significance of persistently choosing to offer up egoic tendencies, unveiling the Timeless and Imperishable Self. So what are you waiting for? Let’s watch now…
In this 90 minute episode, Mooji leads a profound meditation journey aimed at pulling you back to the present moment by helping you distance yourself from any past and future concerns and the various roles you play in the world. This transformative experience will allow you to connect with the power of your true self, and experience freedom like never before!
In this beautiful 9 minute video, Mooji shares how this attitude of consciously inviting God’s help, combined with the recent sitting exercise he has been sharing with us, is the most powerful way to transcend ego. Let’s watch now…
Recently, Mooji has put a powerful focus on taking time to simply sit and bring our full attention and focus to resting in and as pure awareness. We are happy to share this powerful guided exercise with you in support of the full recognition and awakening to the timeless Self.
In this AMAZING 2 hour interview, Mooji and André discuss the foundations of spiritual living, revealing how to release your attachment to the ego, and reconnect to your true essence. Mooji shares his perspective on conscious relationships, overcoming sexual desires, and finding a wealth that’s deeper than money. This conversation is full of divine inspiration and Mooji even guides us through an exercise for awakening and expanding awareness.
IF THIS VIDEO DOES NOT SHOW UP OR PLAY, CLICK ON THE BLUE LINK BELOW. In this amazing 15 minute compilation, Mooji answers the most popular questions about love such as “What is Love?”, “How to love everyone as I love myself?” , “How to Love without attachments?”, and “How to love unconditionally?”. Let’s find a quiet place and enjoy!
Do life’s challenges come predestined for our spiritual growth? In this lovely 10 minute video, Mooji directs our attention to that which is beyond all challenges and the influence of the ego. From this perspective it becomes evident how life takes care of life.
In this wonderful new video, Mooji speaks about the sense ‘I Am’, the sense of being, and encourages us to sit in this, as this. He continues that even this ‘I Am’-ness can subside and what remains is the core of Awareness, the wordless state. Let’s get started now…
Many seekers of truth complain of how noisy and restless the monkey mind can play, especially when there is an intention to be self aware as presence. In this video, Mooji offers a straightforward guidance that exposes the monkey identity and reveals the pure space of the uninvolved witness.
This simple and easy to follow 10 minute meditation directs the attention back to its source. We are guided to not identify with the body, thoughts or feelings but to remain as the detached witness. Like this we experience how it is to be just aware, how spacious, how natural. In a short time we find ourself back in our original, pure and timeless being.
This satsang is an absolute gem and master pointing on Self Inquiry. It exposes the falsehood of the personal ´I´ and is highly recommended for repeated viewing to confirm our true essence as pure awareness.
This must-watch satsang is at the very heart of Moojibaba’s pointings. By remaining as the detached witness we are able to observe the mind and all its tricks which are appearing on the screen of consciousness.
In this illuminating conversation, Mooji and Jonny Wilkinson delve into the true nature of our being, the quest for freedom, and the power of letting go. After a long and successful career as a rugby player, Jonny turned to exploring Self realisation, and we are very happy to share this uplifting interview.
The best way to serve God is to be empty of the sense of a personal “you”. By following Mooji’s guidance in this video, we experience harmony with God and find absolute joy in the emptiness of being.
Often we desire things, believing they will bring immense happiness, but eventually realize they fall short of our expectations. In this 5 minute video, Mooji shares that true fulfillment lies within our heart and to make use of this life to fully awaken to our true nature.