This 16 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
In this FANTASTIC 4 minute audio, Mooji explains, “Surrender your existence to existence. Discover your spontaneity. Life flows spontaneously and is infinitely greater than all your plans or intensions put together. Why spoil it with hasty and vain projections? Let it be whatever it will be. Give up trying to manipulate. This is Freedom.”
How to be happy ? Is it possible to be really happy? What is the source of our unhappiness ? Let us find out together with Mooji in this 11 minute video filmed on one of Mooji’s walks…
Who are we truly ? Who are you when person is not ? What is there or who is there when you are observing, watching? Finding answer to this question in not important but absolutely necessary. Let us find out together with Mooji in this 12 minute deep inquiry.
In this lovely 7 minute video, Mooji responds to a questioner who doesn’t understand why the masters say that we are not the doer. This leads her to ask, “Isn’t witnessing itself also a doing?” Let’s listen to Mooji’s response…
Mooji explains that initially it is perfectly natural to identify with the body but eventually we must come to the realization that we are just pure awareness witnessing everything that is taking place through consciousness.
What is life like after awakening? This video from Mooji presents in detail and super easy descriptions of what life is like after awakening. I published this video last July but I think it is worth another visit.
Mooji explains that we should not let fear guide our decisions. Once you have done everything you can do and it seems like a decision needs to be made and you have no idea what to do, the advice that Mooji offers is to “keep quiet, don’t force a decision”. When the right time comes you will “recognize” what needs to be done. The right decision comes as a RECOGNITION.
In this 15 minute video, Mooji explains that “Realization” is not the be all, end all. Although it has been fired, the mind will keep showing up for work and by staying in a state of Self-Rememberance one’s attention can be easily brought back from its habit to go with the mind. This is also called vigilance. Both Nisargadatta Maharaj and Papaji both spoke of remaining vigilant until their very last breath.
In this seven minute video, Mooji replies to a devotee who says that all interest has gone and that now even the interest in Satsang is going and he wants to know “What now?” Listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this 6 minute video filmed on one of Mooji’s walks in Portugal, Mooji explains that life is not just about making sense. He explains that the “Truth” is not necessarily logical and that we need to open up our minds to include what doesn’t necessarily make sense.
In this wonderful 10 minute video from Mooji, he drives home the point that our true “Self” is incorruptible and can only appear to be corrupted if we dream corruption, because in actuality that which is one can never be two, it can only dream two-ness. Realizing this is the key to the freedom that we seek.
In this very short 4 minute video clip taken from Mooji‘s home in 2008, he reminds us about the need to make sure that we are not pursuing our IMAGINED version of the truth. This is extremely important because if we have an imagined version of what the “Truth” should be like, we may completely overlook the realization of it when the “Truth” is presented to us.
In this six minute video, a questioner writes in and says that they are lost and have no idea what to do about it. Mooji explains that “being lost” is a wonderful opportunity and an indication of being on the right track to realizing and being the Self.
In this wonderful 7 minute video clip taken from Satsang in Rishikesh (2016), Mooji explains that its perfectly fine to allow our emotions, sensations and reactions to be expressed as long as we remember to remain as the one who is the witness. No need to fight them, interpret them or analyze them.
In this short 5 minute video, an inquiry comes in wanting to know how it is possible for the “Self” (or infinite awareness within us) be confused by the mind. Mooji starts out by explaining that in actuality, it is not possible for the infinite Self to be confused and that all of the confusion is actually part of the dream. Let’s listen closely to what Mooji has to say…
In this five minute video, Mooji discusses how experiencing Satsang in the presence of a Sangha can be more effective and beneficial than just watching a Satsang online by yourself. Let’s listen to Mooji as he explains… To find out about a possible Sangha nearest you, please go to the following link: .
In this twelve minute clip from a Satsang in Poland, Mooji explains that the mind is not the big problem or hurdle that people make it out to be. Once one truly realizes that the mind itself is powerless and phenomenal in nature, one can start focusing on the only true point of power. Here’s Mooji to explain…
In this eight minute video, Mooji describes his vision for Satsang and the direct approach to discover our own true nature. Although many have understood these teachings, most are still looking to experience the living Truth in their everyday life. Here is Mooji’s invitation to do so…
In this inspiring 5 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker who is afraid that if she looses the “person” she believes herself to be, that she will become boring and will end up being alone. Let’s listen to Mooji’s reply…
In this lovely 8 minute video, Mooji explains that although we think and act like a five star beggar, the reality is that we are what makes everything in the universe possible. Let’s listen to these ageless words of wisdom…
In this EXCELLENT video clip, a questioner says that she can spend many hours just “Being” and bathing in joy, but that she can also experience a different kind of joy from out experiences. She explains that very often in the process of experiencing outer joy, it negatively impacts her inner joy and she’s not sure what to do about it. Let’s find out Mooji’s sage advice…
This 15 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this lovely short video from Rishikesh (2020), Mooji responds to a common fear among spiritual aspirants — that by pursuing a spiritual path, they are losing their passion and ambitions in life, that they don’t “fit in” to the world anymore.
Fall in love with your unborn being with Mooji’s guidance. This beautiful 17 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
Join Mooji as he takes a beautiful walk through a nearby forest, offering spontaneous guidance and wisdom along the way. In this talk, we are reminded that, “Fundamentally, even in the greatest ignorance, the same unpolluted truth is here as the substratum. If life is worth anything, at the highest level, it is to awaken to this truth and live as the truth you are. This is Satsang.”
Do you have 13 minutes for freedom? In this BEAUTIFUL guided meditation, Mooji takes us into our hearts where he plants the seeds of eternal wisdom. Let’s just sit back, relax and enjoy!
Here is a very short 2 minute spontaneous video in which Mooji explains that in our search we come to realize that the greatest treasure lies within. Let’s listen to this amazing tidbit of wisdom…