Mooji Video: “Truth” is Not Logical

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In this 6 minute video filmed on one of Mooji’s walks in Portugal, Mooji explains that life is not just about making sense. He explains that the “Truth” is not necessarily logical and that we need to open up our minds to include what doesn’t necessarily make sense.

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sally says:

Wonderously Amazingly Abundant
Love Glorious Love
Blessed unfolding’s which Distance’s The scars of Life’s Experience’s
Om Shanti
Peace Within and my Love
Om Shanti

Jude Covacevich says:

And so it is….thank you my dear Mooji.

Hamida says:

True life is magical vast now it is no more a mystery what u give u get what u have u give what u sow u reap what r ur thoughts is ur destiny every moment all of us must be happy positive blessed loving peaceful respectful truthful thankful daring caring healthy wealthy and wise human and make this beautiful world more beautiful ameen never ever give negative energy to negative people never abuse them for they will become more evil love all be human bring heaven on earth amen

Joanne says:

time 1:00
” It’s almost like a knowledge of no thing.
But this may not make sens.
But I,m not here to make sens, you know.”

that to me is where it is possible to point from, no where.

Manford Carter says:

thank you Mooji-

devora says:

I love the revisiting of these Guruji Gems thank you bless you

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