Mooji takes us on a 4 minute intensive look at what is already here. This video may be short but it is enough to get one to refocus on what is real within.
In this video Mooji explains that truly being free is not based on any belief. Freedom comes from being able to answer the question “Is there anything that stops me from being what I am?”.  Through the process of self-mastery, one can examine the thoughts, beliefs and situations that keep us from truly being free.
In Part 1 of 2 of this amazing discourse with a devotee, Mooji takes us to the unassociated “I Am” sense and explains the importance, yet temporary nature of the “I Am”.  In Part 2, even the “I am” is seen as a temporary phenomenon observed by the one and only “Self”.
In this 10 minute video Mooji covers a lot of ground. He speaks about the fact that “awakening” is only for the mind and that the “Self” is not affected in any way whether the mind is awakened or not.  He also speaks on the subject that so many people just go around speaking of the “truth” as if they have internalized what they are talking about, and yet they are fully asleep.  These we call “Spiritual Parrots”, they speak the truth but yet they have no idea what they are talking about.
In this short video, Mooji replies to the question “Is It REALLY Possible for Ordinary People to Realize the Self?”.
The windshield wiper story they are speaking about at the beginning of the video can be found here. This video clip is so AMAZING that there are no words to describe its importance if one is truly searching for the truth. In 5 minutes, Mooji speaks of at least  6 “Ah Ha!” revelations in simple, clear language that anyone that is ready for the truth can understand and assimilate. This video was given 5 stars only because this blog can not accommodate 10 stars. That is how important the information in this video is. Mooji can  fluctuate greatly in clarity [More]
Mooji explains that we believe everything into existence. Thoughts have no power by themselves. A thought without belief is nothing at all, has no power; a thought with belief can start a war, or begin to heal a nation. FIVE STAR VIDEO!!
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji explains that when seeking the “Truth” there is really no need to even ask a question from the “Person” because at its root the question comes from a falsehood. As Mooji says “To get a “True” answer, one needs to start with a “True” question.”
In this great 10 minute video, Mooji explains what gets identified with a “person” within us. He also explains that the “I” or “I am” comes as the “sound” of the absolute in this body. What a wonderful way of putting it.
This video is one of the best Mooji videos of all time. It is 24 minutes long but it is worth every minute. In fact you may want to put this on your repeat list. This video is for those (many of us) who understand all that Mooji is talking about, but can’t seem to make the final shift from “Person” to “Presence”.
This is a wonderful short video where Mooji describes how we can come to see that everything is always happening all by itself. No need for projections and no need for the “person” to claim responsibility for what is happening.
This short Mooji video is a DIRECT pointing to the self. It also discusses how the mind (or most anyone else) doesn’t want you to recognize because then they will loose power over you. Brilliant!
In this very short video, Mooji reminds us that the beingness can not be disturbed. Only the idea we have about ourselves can be molested by other ideas (thoughts).  The beingness has no ideas about itself therefor it always remains untouched.
In this very short video Mooji explains that in order for ANY thought to have any power whatsoever, there has to be “Identity” present… and “I” entity (me). Otherwise, thoughts have no power at all because no thought is self employed.
In this video, Mooji answers a letter and exposes the tricks of the mind in the questions themselves. The mind can take on many characters that may seem to be the real you, but ALL questions are of the mind.
If you are looking for a short video that breaks down everything one needs to know to realize the “Self”, then this is it. In this video, Mooji lays before us the nuts and bolts of “Realization”.  Any question that can not be answered by watching this video is simply not important when it comes to discovering or being the “Truth”. Anything and everything else is just mind play.
This is an EXCELLENT video that can be watched anytime we feel caught up in the mind. Mooji works with this lady to show that even the “I” is also a phenomenon and ALL that is taking place is taking place in your presence.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji helps us to see that the “I” that is commenting about everything is pure arrogance and is actually the “I” that needs to be gotten rid of.
In this 7 minute video Mooji explains that recognizing the self requires no belief. It is not an opinion, belief, point of view or require trust. The “Truth” just IS and IS essentially what we are.
Seven minutes dedicated to looking at what remains prior to the “I Am”.  This Mooji video is a short and direct looking at the “Self”.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji points us back in the best direction.
Who is the seer of “It”? What is “It”? Mooji explains that we are missing the obvious.
In this video Mooji is SUPER DIRECT and is not kidding around. It’s time to really take a look at WHO is asking all of these questions. When asking a question, we must check in first and ask “Who is asking this question?” Is it the mind? Is it the beingness? Why waste everyone’s time answering the frivolous questions of the mind? There’s really no need to find a fictitious answer for a fictitious question coming from a fictitious sense of self.
In this video Mooji describes the beginning of his realization. This video continues with a part 2 which no longer speaking of his transformation, however, if you would like to watch it, please Click Here.
Mooji describes in detail what it is like for him at his level of understanding. This very short video is one of the best ever.  Don’t forget to share this one with your friends.
Mooji explains that we are already “That” and every thought, every idea, every concept we have until this is fully realized is simply the play of consciousness.
Most of us experience the habit of “wanting”.   We want this and we want that, and often when we get what we want we move quickly to the fulfillment of another “want”.  Wanting is a game by the mind (ego) to help it continue its existence. In this video Mooji explains that the way out of “want” is by shifting from “Person” to “Presence”.
Many of us feel “I don’t want to let go of my existence as me because I like me!”.  Mooji offers some insight on this concept.