In this lovely little 5 minute video of a one-on-one interview, the seeker has several questions for Mooji including the request for Mooji to, “Show me God now!” Let’s listen in on Mooji’s response to this request…
In this great little 3 minute reminder, Mooji talks to us about “wanting” and the improper relationship we have with our wants and desires. Let’s listen as Mooji reminds us of our true position…
In this 12 minute spontaneous talk, which was recorded in a taxi on the way to the airport, after the car broke down, Mooji reminds us to not immediately think the worst when something unexpected, apparently bad happens but to see God´s presence and love in it. Everything is part of the bigger picture, of your destiny if you like to see it this way. Don´t complain, say thank you to God, ‘Thank you, your eyes are greater than mine.’
In this little 3 minute reminder, Mooji helps us remember that we need to transcend our identification with the body to wake up from the delusion we are experiencing. Let’s take a moment to hit “refresh”…
In this great little video clip from Satsang in Russia, Mooji responds to a seeker who wants to know if it is necessary to have a Master to realize the Truth. Mooji explains several reasons why one should really have a Master to help one realize all of the subtle ways the ego (mind) can hide in plain site. Let’s listen carefully as Mooji also offers the best way to find a master…
In this awesome 7 minute compilation, Mooji provides five solid ways in which we can deal with and overcome fear. This video would be great to bookmark for easy retrieval when encountering a sticky fear. Let’s listen…
In this VERY FUNNY video based around his windshield wiper story, Mooji helps us realize how ridiculous the obstacles are that are distracting us from always remaining as the Self. Let’s listen and see if Mooji mentions a couple of issues you may be dealing with…
In this wonderful 6 minute video clip that is being spontaneously translated into Russian, we find Mooji responding to a question about anger after Awakening. Mooji explains that after awakening, life will go on as usual on the outside, but the inner sense of joy and peace remains. Let’s listen to Mooji’s description…
In this lovely 9 minute video filmed and translated to German, the question of self-trust or relationship arises with wrong identification. Mooji shows us the easy way to stillness and effortlessness, nobody can give or take away. Where is effortlessness there is peace. Let’s listen to these potent words of wisdom…
Very often in Mooji‘s Satsangs we here him say, “Be like the cow who jumped over the moon.” In this lovely little 5 minute audio, Mooji explains what he means by that and the principle of truth that is behind it. Let’s listen…
In this lovely spontaneous audio Satsang, Mooji helps us to understand true Sadhana. Most believe that Sadhana is for those that are seeking the “Truth”, but Mooji says that the highest Sadhana is to stop the mind from distorting the Truth you have discovered. Let’s listen to what this means…
In this 9 minute spontaneous Satsang from Sahaja, Mooji explains that very often seekers will run upon hearing the Truth and that this is a common tendency. He explains that one should not be complacent and that there has to be some vigilance not to buy into the distractions of the mind. Let’s listen to this great advice…
It here is only one thing, only one pointing, highest to realize for any human, than this is it – AWARENESS is the first. Let us dive deep with Mooji in this powerful but beautiful advice – inquiry.
In this FANTASTIC 5 minute compilation created by Jasmin Davis, we find clips that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mooji is NOT RESPONSIBLE for the way his followers feel about him and that he constantly discourages people from kissing his feet. It just so happens that this is a VERY common way to show respect in the Indian community and they just feel the need within themselves to show their respects to Mooji. Let’s listen to the reality… Click here to find out why people kiss feet in the Indian tradition.
In this edition of Mooji Minute, Mooji reminds us that instead of living life through our projections, which is the cause of endless suffering, we can surrender to the flow of the supreme and live a life that is in “flow” with the universe. Let’s listen to this short, yet so important video…
In this very important 4 minute clip, Mooji explains that we believe to be operating from a place we consider to be a fact of who we are, when in reality it is the “fiction” of who we are. Mooji states that most people in life are speaking from this very personal and fictional, unstable standpoint, and reminds us that there is a stable, much more deeper position which we should direct our attention towards.
In this recent video clip, a young boy asks Mooji how will he know to identify the true Self. As the conversation unfolds, more questions come to light. He asks if doubts will leave on their own, about the “fake” mind and about thoughts. The young boy and Mooji exchange anecdotes which underpin the pointings that are being shared. Let’s listen…
In this spontaneous 6 minute audio, Mooji explains that doing the “right things” or “right practices” or “right behavior” does not mean that you will get any special treatment for the realization of the “Self”. Having this attitude is more about arrogance than anything else. Let’s listen to Mooji’s explanation…
In this lovely video, Mooji explains that being a vegetarian has NOTHING to do with the realization of the Self (Awakening). He goes on to explain that it is purely natural to have compassion for those who suffer, but we must make sure that we don’t fall into the trap of suffering for others. Let’s listen to this wisdom-filled advice…
In this short 10 minute podcast, Mooji talks about self-inquiry and the importance of listening and really understanding. He points out the difference between a clever mind and true wisdom, and uses a beautiful story about the Buddha to illustrate this point. Let’s listen…
In this 6 minute classic clip, Mooji helps us see that every night we are given a major clue into our true nature. He explains that even in our dreams we are not in charge of what is going on even though the entire world we are experiencing is completely created in our minds.
In this lovely 10 minute video, Mooji dives deeper into our feelings and emotions so that we may understand them better and how to remain in a place where we don’t become one with them and suffer the consequences. Let’s sit back and listen…
Did you know that your Awakening may have already taken place?! The fact is that there are countless beings out there that have actually realized their true nature, but because the mind (ego) seems to return now and then, they are still waiting for an awakening to happen. The FACT is that Awakening is only a stage in our spiritual evolution and that once Awakening has taken place, integration of our new understanding in our daily lives is something that must include vigilance until our body’s dying breath. Let’s listen to what Mooji and Rupert Spira have to say…
In this 9 minute video, a seeker who says that she is feeling a kind of loneliness and desire to share here spiritual journey with others. Mooji explains that after true surrender you can leave all the details of life to God and remain in stillness. Let’s listen to his advice…
In this beautiful 7 minute video clip, Mooji reminds us that what we are searching for is already where we are searching from and when understanding comes it exposes the reality of the self. Let’ listen to these wise words…
In this lovely little 6 minute video, Mooji provides some guidance for those who still have issues with the mind creating all kinds of distractions. Let’s listen to Mooji’s simple advice…
In this super short 4 minute video, Mooji explains that in this world today there are always people looking to accuse you of things, some may even thrive on your sorrow, so it is important to admit if you have done something to offend them and ask for forgiveness, or if not, to go on with your life centered in the Self and let you intuition (heart) tell you what is true. Let’s listen to Mooji’s words of freedom…
This 21 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…