In this twelve minute video, a follower bears witness to his experience of realizing the stillness within and describes how there was no fireworks or much of anything out of the ordinary. Mooji explains that this is why it is very important not to place ANY expectations or projections from the mind on how liberation will take place.
In this lovely twelve minute video, a seeker asks Mooji, “Is it possible for Mooji to give me a kick into total freedom?” Let’s listen as Mooji takes us deep into Conscious Presence to realize that total freedom is always ours to begin with…
In this eight minute clip a seeker wants to know why it seems that there seems to be less avoidance and resistance from the mind when she is watching Satsang at home verses being in Satsang in person. Mooji explains the subtle ways the mind uses to avoid and resist…
In this eight minute video clip, Mooji shares a little story to drive home the point that we all come from the same source like a drop of water from the ocean, and that even though we may appear to be different on the outside, we all return home to one and the same.
In this super nine minute video, Mooji helps us to realize that the witnessing experienced by the “I Am” is itself witnessed by “something” prior to the “I Am”. This is Awareness is without cause or location and can not be explained or described in words and yet is the answer to the question “Who Am I?”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s explanation…
In this very short but funny three minute excerpt, Mooji tells a very funny joke which drives home the point that we need to be careful what we wish for.
In this wonderful ten minute video clip, a seeker says that she has had enough of the psychological mind and asks Mooji to help her end it once and for all. Mooji explains to remain steadfast and that “at one point, you are going to vanish and what will remain will be your real self”. Let’s listen closely to his advice…
In this lovely five minute video, Mooji shares a few words on the mind produced illusion of time and that “despite being panicked by the thought that time is disappearing, and that your life disappears along with time, you will know that what disappears is only that which belongs to time and it is an illusion.”
In this VERY important five minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker who wants to know, “How can I be the Self if I am mentally sick?”. Mooji offers a concise response that can help the questioner distinguish between the “Self” and the “Person” who is actually the one who has been labeled as “mentally sick”. This video can be VERY helpful for those with psychological issues created by the mind, but it must also be understood that there are individuals with “physical mental impairments” that must be treated as such and not brushed off as a problem of the
This four minute reminder is very short but is one of the best videos created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this short six minute video of a spontaneous moment with Mooji, he explains that life will take on all kinds of thoughts and activities as long as we have a body and the mind will try to play the judge of what is happening, but all we need to do when this happens is to keep quiet and just let life unfold on its own.
In this beautiful thirteen minute video from Zmar in 2015, Mooji helps us see beyond identity to move past any inner resistance we may be experiencing to surrender to our true nature. By staying only as the space in which resistance arises, we can quickly realize the illusory nature of it. Let’s listen…
In this thirteen minute video from a Satsang in February, 2017, a seeker tries to explain to Mooji how he has discovered the answer to the question, “Can the seer be seen?” Mooji confirms his findings and offers some additional tidbits of wisdom…
THE ORIGINAL 8 MINUTE VIDEO THAT WAS HERE HAS BEEN DELETED – HERE IS THE FULL VERSION OF THE VIDEO WHICH INCLUDES THE MISSING CLIP In this eight minute video clip, Mooji responds to an inquiry from a seeker asking what is truly meant by the saying, “The ‘I’ Removes the ‘I’ yet Remains the ‘I'”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s simple and direct answer…
In this brilliant seven minute Mooji moment filmed on one of his walks, Mooji explains why Satsang is not really the place to address personal issues, but rather to discover the “Truth” that can relieve us from the effect of any so called personal problems or issues generated by the mind. Let’s listen…
In this lovely seven minute clip, Mooji explains that by labeling ourselves as a spiritual seeker, we are actually creating a barrier to freedom when there is no need to label ourselves as anything at all. Let’s take a peek inside this Satsang…
Here is a wonderful old 12 minute video of Mooji in which he talks about the possibility that everything that crosses our minds could be just an idea. Could it be that this is how we are experiencing life? Let’s take a closer look and see…
In this thirteen minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “To Whom Shall I Pray?” Mooji explains that even the greatest Sages performed spiritual activities and praises to the supreme being while knowing that they are already “That’. Let’s listen to Mooji’s reply…
In this thirteen minute video clip from Satsang, Mooji responds to a question that millions of us have to deal with on a daily basis about the possibility of becoming TRULY FREE from past mental or physical abuse that we have endured from others. Let’s listen to Mooji’s beautiful response…
Many seekers feel that they could better realize or understand these teaching if only they could get the chance to be with Mooji on a one-on-one basis. In this seven minute video clip, Mooji explains that we must approach these teachings with a universal approach rather than listening as an individual.
In this eleven minute clip, a follower wants to know what to do when she is empty (being in Presence) and someone wants to know her preference or opinion about something. Mooji responds to this question. The thing to remember is that being itself has no opinions, but we are still HUMAN beings playing out a role as consciousness, and consciousness can and will continue to interact with life generating spontaneous opinions and preference. “DYNAMIC” LIFE IS NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE “TRUTH”. It is only when there is an attachment to certain opinions and preferences that the problems come
In this short four minute video, Mooji responds to a follower that says she once heard Mooji say, “We cannot escape our freedom” and would like to hear more about the meaning of this. In doing so, Mooji also explains the difference between personal freedom and the truest form of freedom. Let’s take a quick peek at Mooji’s response…
Here is another wonderful 4 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji. A beautiful little reminder that we are the infinite and indivisible ONE. Let’s enjoy…
In this twelve minute video clip, Mooji responds to a seeker that says she has a deep desire for freedom but that there seems to be a conflict with her desire for motherhood because of attachments and other phenomenal issues that appear to be in conflict with living the “Truth”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s reply…
In this eight minute video clip, Mooji explains that once we begin to come home again to the heart of being, we may need to experience a bit of “Divine Madness” where we experience a type of joy that completely overwhelms our emotions. This is a beautiful sign that a transformation is taking place… let’s listen….
In this very important five minute video, Mooji explains that we don’t need to plan the future with our minds, other than for practical purposes, because God has a much better plan than our minds can come up with. This video also contains advice for decision making. Let’s listen…
In this eleven minute video, Mooji responds to a follower that is very excited to share her discoveries and covers a lot of ground to help us realize that the type of intelligence he is talking about, “…Is not coming from a University but from the Universe itself.”
In this six minute video a devotee shares with Mooji her realization of the “Self”. Join us in this rare and unique Satsang Moment. Enough said… let’s watch and listen…