In this inspiring video clip, a questioner says that she has managed to drop a lot and would like Mooji to help her drop the rest. Mooji graciously responds by explaining how most human beings are wrongly identifying themselves as personal entities – which creates suffering and perpetuates a sense of victim-hood. Let’s witness these amazing pointings now…
Here is another wonderful 7 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this very interesting 12 minute clip, a questioner says that she was part of a group that used to make her feel very guilty for the way she treated her children in the past and wants to know how to deal with guilt from past actions. Let’s find out…
Here is another wonderful 4 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this lovely 6 minute video, Mooji reminds us that no particular thing has any one particular meaning but that the meaning of anything is only in the mind of the one perceiving it. We are the center of our own world and by discovering the truth we can begin to merge the flow of the outside world with the flow of our inner world. Let’s listen to these wise words…
In this super short 3 minute audio, Mooji explains that we need not stress over our inquiry into the self. Often this can lead to a type of paranoia so it’s best to just surrender to the process and not fight the mind, relax into yourself and let the inquiry lead you to a place of peace and realization….
In this little 5 minute video we find some lovely quotes from Mooji‘s book called, “Before I Am.”
In this inspiring 12 minute audio, Mooji covers a lot of ground and helps us to pinpoint the true witness and seer and points us to that which is prior to seeing. This audio covers so much material it is best to just get started…
This lovely 2 minute video features 20 of some of the top quotes from Mooji‘s teachings set to beautiful music. Let’s just sit back and enjoy…
This beautiful eighteen minute guided inquiry meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
This is a spontaneous 12 minute Satsang, with translation into Hindi. Recorded March 13, 2016 in Rishikesh, India. ” You cannot master your mind by trying to control or suppress it. The one that entangles your mind is only your limited identity, or ego. And we’ve all been identified with the ego for a while. But the real one is the one who is aware of the ego and its interferences…”
In this lovely 11 minute video of a Skype session, Mooji explains that your pure Self can not be in conflict with itself, therefore whenever any inner conflicts arise, you immediately know that this is not you and stand as that which is aware of the conflict. Mooji puts it much better so let’s get started…
This is a beautiful 15 minute guided meditation from Mooji set to 27Hz Binaural Beats. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom… (For the best effect, I believe head phones should be used).
This wonderful 20 minute video from Mooji is from a Silent Retreat in the Netherlands featuring a questioner that comes forward to express her gratitude for Mooji’s videos, which have been her salvation at home. Let’s listen as Mooji describes how our false identity is at the root of all suffering…
In this very intimate 12 minute video, Mooji tells the story of stranded fishermen to demonstrate how sometimes, because of habit, we can find ourselves returning to the ways of the Ego, so it is important to remain vigilant and take a position of observation when such things take place. Let’s listen to the way Mooji puts it…
In this 12 minute talk Mooji guide us, as always, in the most direct way to the final recognition of our true nature. Once one realizes in the heart that ‘I am not the one looking towards the source, but I am the one looking at the sense of myself searching for the source’, the journey is over. Let’s join in…
In this beautiful 10 minute talk, Mooji speaks about the importance of questioning the ‘I’ and of overcoming all resistance to inquiry. He continues by helping us see that the Truth is right under our nose but that most of the time we are too distracted to see it.
This sixteen minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
Don’t have time to meditate? How about 5 minutes? This 5 minute guided meditation from Mooji can make a huge difference in your day. Let’s sit back, adjust the volume level, sit back, relax and…
Here is a beautiful live guided meditation with Mooji. In this beautiful excerpt, Mooji baba calmly and gracefully talks about the beauty of awakening. Let’s find quiet, relax and get started…
Here is a lovely little video in which a questioner wants to know that if she is the “seer” then what did Jesus mean when he said, “Thy Kingdom Come” and “Death Shall Be No More”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise response…
Here is another wonderful 5 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom. Let’s kick back and soak it all in…
In this lovely 7 minute audio, Mooji points to help us see that the small roles or parts we think we play in life are just fractured ideas, he says “This position must be merged into total consciousness. Meditations help you to unform you. Spaciousness inside becomes tangible.” Let’s find out what he’s talking about…
In this lovely 8 minute reminder, Mooji explains that “My job in this life here with you is to remind you of this–to come to the place of the ‘I am’, the consciousness, which is not mixed up in all these things. It’s your time to wake up.” Let’s continue…
In this lovely little 3 minute audio, Mooji reminds us that once a realization takes place the juice is cut, but the momentum from years of conditioning will try to persist. Let’s find out what we can expect and how to deal with it all…
In this FANTASTIC 4 minute audio, Mooji asks us to stop trying for just one moment and takes us on an inner look at the presence within, without all the labels and other distractions. Let’s get started…
This 23 minute guided meditation from Mooji focuses on “Awareness” and “Being” and will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this lovely little 5 minute video, Mooji explains that the purpose of coming to Satsang is to go as far as you can to wake up to the fullness of what is true about you. Let’s peek in for a refresher…