Mooji Video: Vegetarianism, Animal Cruelty, Compassion, Suffering and Awakening

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In this lovely video, Mooji explains that being a vegetarian has NOTHING to do with the realization of the Self (Awakening). He goes on to explain that it is purely natural to have compassion for those who suffer, but we must make sure that we don’t fall into the trap of suffering for others.  Let’s listen to this wisdom-filled advice…

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Anonymous says:

You can not make yourself suffer enough to relieve the suffering of others. But you can develop your own awareness and clarity to create a new reality – again and again and again. And: without this awareness, what do you have to give anyway?

Marie says:

Unconditional LOVE under all conditions. Which at times of judgement criticism and hate can really take your to your knees. I love them with all my heart because that is all my heart know of GODS LOVE. Because to stop loving them is hurtful to myself not to them. I only CHOOSE to see the GOOD the HOLY and BEAUTIFUL in them. Because that is the truth.

Monica says:

This is so profound and simple and at the same time it is so easy to slip here! It can feel SO good to be angry or to suffer on others behalf, but that is merely projections! Thank you dear Mooji for always shining the light on that which is most important. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ❤️ And also thank you to the lovely woman who adressed the issue ❤️

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