Mooji Video: Isn’t Witnessing also a “Doing”?

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Mooji answers a letter asking why some master say we are not the doer and that one is just witnessing, but “Isn’t Witnessing also a “Doing”?”

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Katharine Grace says:

I love the background sound of crickets – sometimes rain~!!

Vedmata says:

Yes..I loved it too..most harmonic

rose says:

I love this but y brain gets in a tangle … because in all his talks he is addressing and enaging with the doer … how else can there be human communication … for example he asks us to ‘find the perceiver’, ‘to follow my pointings’, to ‘ask this question who am I’ …. so he is inviting the doer to do something all the time … can anyone explain ??

rose says:

in other words, he is constantly sending the doer off on another mission … Surely the bet thing to do would be to simply stay quiet and BE ? not ask any questions, or follow any pointings or ask any questions ….??

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