This short 5 minute Mooji video brings us back to “Self”. Who are you?
In this video, Mooji explains the day his ego was lost forever.
All questions are dancing around this question. If we answer this one question, all other questions disappear.
Mooji explains that initially it is perfectly natural to identify with the body but eventually we must come to the realization that we are just pure awareness witnessing everything that is taking place through consciousness.
This is a great 5 STAR classic 9 minute video from Mooji to bring our attention back to self.
Mooji speaks of Nicodemus having Satsang with Jesus and the message he shared.
Mooji explains that “Inquiry” is not as complicated as some of us make it out to be.
This is a 5 star video that reveals the backbone to all of Mooji‘s pointings.
The one who says: “I want to be always consciously aware of who I am,” is unable to accomplish or fulfill such a desire. In fact, this one who desires this does not exist.
This amazing video from Mooji is only 7 minutes long. This will be one of the most productive 7 minutes you have ever experience.
In this excellent 10 minute video answers one of the most common questions of all. Mooji reminds us that whatever we can perceive is not you. Which of your thoughts come from the “true” self? Let’s find out…
This super short video gets right to the point of the entire search.
Awakening or Enlightenment is not for the self. The self “IS”. The entire process and realization is only for the mind.
This video was taken over 7 years ago and delivers the same message as today.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji helps us think about, “Who is trying to make life a certain way” and “Does this one truly exist and where is it located?” Upon introspection we find that there is this “entity” that is trying to get things done a particular way, there is the one that is watching all of it and not participating, and upon even closer examination we find that neither one can be found. Let’s listen in…
This 8 minute video is one of the most precious Mooji videos. It explains what it is like to BE life as the self.
Any type of “blockage” we feel we may have preventing us from realization is only noise from the mind.
When you say “I”, who is speaking? Are you speaking as the person or consciousness? This video will bring you back to your true place in under 9 minutes.
This short 6 minute video describes the principle that there can be nothing without you appearing as the “I”. This is the master key to the ultimate understanding of how the physical world comes into being.
Mooji provides clues about vigilance and attention.
In this video Mooji explains the mechanism of God, person and pure self. This is one of Mooji’s ultimate videos that explains in simple terms how it all works.
Identify your true position. You can not come and go. Everything else but you comes and goes.
This short 3 and half minute video contains all the truth one needs to realize the self.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “Isn’t inquiry just a vicious circle?” Mooji responds that inquiry is not a never ending circle and that there is only one ultimate watcher. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s detailed response…
In this nine minute video, Mooji helps us to understand that because the Ego can play the part of the observer, we often identify with the ego as what we are. But on taking a closer look we realize that even this can be observed so lets take a closer look with Mooji at the one who can not be observed…