Mooji Video: The Way of the Beingness Is to Focus On One Thing
Uploaded by admin on November 7, 2018 at 10:53 pm
Mooji Video: The Way of the Beingness Is to Focus On One Thing
In this 4 minute audio, Mooji explains that the way of the mind is to focus on many things but that the way of the Beingness is to focus on ONE thing until it has settled in your heart and become experiencially realized within. Let's listen to these wise words...
In this 4 minute audio, Mooji explains that the way of the mind is to focus on many things but that the way of the Beingness is to focus on ONE thing until it has settled in your heart and become experiencially realized within. Let’s listen to these wise words…
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Why underlying Mooji’s wise words with distracting silly music? It’s not helpfull for the listener.