In this 10 minute clip from one of Mooji‘s Satsangs, he explains that the roles that we play are all happening by themselves and that the experiencer, that which is being experienced and the functioning of experiencing is all happening all by itself within consciousness. Once we realize our true position, one becomes more and more comfortable remaining in that place of seeing rather than following the mind in an attempt to control the functioning of consciousness.
This short 5 minute video from Mooji makes a very important point that ALL questions starting with “How to” or even “Why…” are from the mind and based on a false assumption of an entity that does not exist. These types of questions can quickly be dismissed because a true answer can not be given for a question based on a false premise.
Have you ever felt frustrated about losing your connection with the self? In this 5 minute video Mooji explains why this happens which provides you with the answer to this question.
In this short 6 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker wanting to know that if she surrenders, will the right things come to her. Mooji explains that true surrender would not leave a “me” waiting for anything to be fulfilled and that true surrender does not involve making deals that everything will be alright.
In this 7 minute video, Mooji clarifies the distinction between liberation, awakening, enlightenment and so forth. He goes on to explain that what we are talking about here is our natural state which is actually a “stateless” state from which all other states can be observed.
In this 9 minute video filmed on one of Mooji’s walks in Portugal, Mooji shares some beautiful insights about life. He touches on too many aspects of life to be listed here. Simply relax, sit back and listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this beautifully produced 6 minute video from Mooji from over 7 years ago, we find that his message has never wavered, his message has never changed. There is only one question who’s answer can bring us to freedom, listen to Mooji’s loving words and see if you can find it…
In this very short 4 minute audio, Mooji reminds us that most of our questions are superficial and that the best way to get to the heart of the matter is to start with our own sense of existence.
In this 6 minute video filmed on one of Mooji’s walks in Portugal, Mooji explains that life is not just about making sense. He explains that the “Truth” is not necessarily logical and that we need to open up our minds to include what doesn’t necessarily make sense.
In this 11 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker who has had a very difficult life and spent many years in jail and is now ready to find love and happiness. Mooji explains that love and happiness is not found through the search for it but rather through finding that place within which is effortless and free from all desires.
In this 7 minute video filmed on one of Mooji’s walks in Portugal, Mooji explains that you can not “practice” your way to the discovery of the “Truth”. It can not be something that you make up or keep up or force into being. All of these activities require a second version of yourself, a false version of yourself that keeps you from realizing your true self.
In this short 8 minute video, Mooji reminds us that duality is not the problem but rather it is identity which causes all of the misconceptions and misunderstandings. He goes on to explain that duality is actually God’s play and God’s way to view itself, and even use it to understand itself more deeply and realize its true nature.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji emphasizes the understanding of the Master Concept from which all other concepts that follow can exist. He also speaks about communicating from consciousness to consciousness rather than from the person to a person.
In this wonderful 10 minute video from 2007, Mooji emphasizes that in order to be able to recognize the “Self”, we must make sure that we are not holding on to ANY idea of what awakening is like, or what the “Self” is like, or ANYTHING else for that matter. The video is not the best quality but the message is supreme.
In this 9 minute video filmed on one of Mooji’s walks in Portugal, Mooji explains that the mind is also an aspect of the self. He goes on to explain that in the beginning the mind is necessary to grow into a place where it is no longer necessary and takes a back seat to the “Self”. There is never any need to try to get rid of the mind. Once the “Self” is realized, the mind goes into a “background” mode without effort and is there to serve for practical purposes.
In this 7 minute spontaneous talk, Mooji explains that we are both Universal, yet at the same time we maintain a certain individual aspect. He explains that we are ONE not because we look the same but that we all come from the same source. We are one in nature, yet infinite forms of expressions.
In this wonderful 6 minute video from Mooji, he reminds us that all questions, all effects of the mind are the result of identifying with the “person”.
In this 10 minute excerpt from one of his Satsangs, Mooji explains that even in our every day life, if we operate from the “Self”, even our normal communications with others can turn into a form of communion because we are communicating from consciousness to consciousness instead of person to person.
In this 5 minute video from an impromptu walk in the hills of Portugal, Mooji explains that there is no need to try and understand the universe and fill your mind with concepts that can only lead you away from the “Self”. The key lies in becoming empty and following the light within ourselves.
In a one on one interaction with a devotee, Mooji explains that in order to truly understand what he is sharing with us, it is necessary to drop ourselves and go beyond the notion of a person.
In this wonderful 7 minute video, Mooji replies to a question about “The Golden Rule” of “Treat Others as Yourself”. Mooji explains that as a “person” this is impossible to do and that following this rule can only come from understanding of the self. Through understanding, this rule happens automatically.
This beautifully produced one hour documentary about Mooji is a MUST see. To find out more about the creators of this awesome documentary,please go to
This short video captures a very special spontaneous moment from Mooji‘s heart as he goes on one of his walks in Portugal.
In this 9 minute video we find Mooji doing a short guided meditation asking us to stay empty and remain unplugged from the goings on of the mind.
In this 9 minute video, Mooji answers a question from a seeker on how to best use the mind and how to best guide the mind. In answer to the question, Mooji explains that the focus should be on realizing the “Self” and abide as the self which has no need to use the mind for anything.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji explains that we need to stop looking for an experience of Awakening (Enlightenment, Realization). He explains how freedom is NOT an experience, no matter how special we think it may be.
In this seven minute, Mooji explores tendencies to suffer for others. Many times when one is presented with a friend, relative or stranger in the midst of suffering, our nature’s reaction is to take on the other person’s problems mentally in order to help the other person with their suffering, but most often people bear their own suffering better than you suffering on their behalf.
In this short video, Mooji replies to an inquiry about good thoughts verses bad thoughts. He explains that while the attention is focused on the value of thought, the thinker of thoughts is missed. What we want to do is place our attention on the Undivided Seer.