Mooji Answers: How Can I Stop Losing My Connection?

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Have you ever felt frustrated about losing your connection with the self? In this 5 minute video Mooji explains why this happens which provides you with the answer to this question.

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Rowena says:

thank you Mooji

Uva says:

Thank you beloved Moojibaba, sooooo simple, soooo true, and soo clear! I LOVE YOUR HUMOR AND LOVE FOR US ALL. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU with all my heart. Uva

Anonymous says:

It was disrespectful to laugh at someone who was troubled and trying to seek clarity. It was cruel and unloving to laugh; there pain in his words not humor.

Alex says:

Agreed. I had trouble getting back here – then, this is the question I came home to. Glad I didn’t ask it!

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