Mooji Video Clip: Words From Mooji’s Heart

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This short video captures a very special spontaneous moment from Mooji‘s heart as he goes on one of his walks in Portugal.

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Anonymous says:

thank you Moojiji the reason you are saying these things is because we need to hear them thank you again…I Love You

Anonymous says:

I love you too. Very much. Following your pointing has opened my inner eyes. Because you repeat it hundred and hundred times. I had to hear it hundred times to be able to see and discover the eternal and infinite beauty that is the only Truth. Thank you!

Brigita says:

Thats is right dear Mooji if you don’t know anything then I know nothing at all…
The deeper the lighter and the deeper the more unclear…all behind our mind is a great mistery and human misery…what a show is what we call it here” life”.it is an absolute nothingness, absolute absurdity… the only thing I can do is to observe this which we call a ” personal growth”…but the true beauty comes in untouchable and unsensible…that is a true beauty of eternity…
Thank you Mooji for being here. You are one of a few left I can still listen and truly sink in.

Rowena says:

Thank you Mooji ❤️

Dave says:

I love you too. I pray I can understand the depth of what you want to say to me.

Rebecca says:

I love you too Mooji x x Thank you X x

Doris Bonett says:

Words can never ExExpress allThe Beauty and love there is in creation. Thank you mooji for doing it best of all

Danielle Choquette says:

So grateful for you,Mooji _()_ <3 _()_

George love says:

Thank you Mooji I feel like I want to be a part of where you are if that makes sense. Sometimes I feel such an emptiness and listening to you always lifts me up. Such a peaceful and very thoughtful man.

Karen says:

I love you Mooji, thank you for all you do for all of us

Sylvia Duijm says:

Tears are flowing … thank you Mooiji ❤️

Anonymous says:

Oh mon Dieu ton amour resplendit dans le corps de Mooji merci merci merci

Anonymous says:


Ailsa says:

Thank you for your love and beauty…

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