Mooji Video: Reminders for When the Mind Comes Back

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In this 8 minute video, Mooji gives us some reminders to help us for when the mind comes back.

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Joanne says:

“Don’t identifiy with anything at all”
Even the moments of grace passed, the counting shooting stars on covered sky nights and all the other miracles passed… but but but it was so extraordinairy that was what it was to be human. the new definition of me, us.
I can definetly be impressed with such things and beauty provided to embrasse and contemplate Still, I’m looking at it all. So beautifull, seen and enjoyed, without words, smilling, touched, moved, passing. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kathy says:

Love you MoojiThank you for your wise words & wisdom. I am always gratefull. PEACE & LOVE Kathy

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