We all have 10 minutes to spare. This guided meditation from Mooji in Satsang in London is less than 10 minutes long and will bring you back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony.
In this short four minute video, Mooji reveals the truth about Karma being for the idea people have about themselves (the person) and not for the true Self.  He goes on to explain the illusion of Karma and its relationship to our illusory self.  Lets listen in as he offers his words of wisdom…
In this special little five minute clip, Mooji explores the questions, “How is it possible to see life as it really is?” and “How to empty yourself of your own conditioning?”  This clip could also be used as a great little five minute meditation as well.  Let’s listen…
In this eight minute video clip, Mooji talks about how much importance we place on our mind and how we let our minds dictate our lives.  He goes on to say how imperative it is for us to shake this trust in our minds before freedom can be fully realized within us.  Is your mind YOUR guru?  Lets listen and find out…
In this seven minute clip from a spontaneous talk in 2014, Mooji drives home the point that we must be diligent in realizing when we are letting the ego (or person-hood)  stand in the way of complete freedom.  Let’s listen and see if we can catch ourselves doing the exact thing Mooji is talking about…
In this short four minute moment from Mooji, he explains that even on a physical level, when you shine as the evidence of Truth, every cell rejoices and feels invigorated by the effects of joy, love and freedom felt within.
In this amazingly beautiful ten minute video clip from one of Mooji‘s Satsangs,  a woman explains that after facing breast cancer, she came to realize that disease is of no consequence to our innermost self.  Using a parable, Mooji demonstrates that immortality can not be found in the body itself, but rather in the recesses of our heart where the eternal has always been.
https://youtu.be/wCkesfE6-ggHere is a wonderful 15 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “Remain as you are”.  Lets just sit back, relax and enjoy…
https://youtu.be/41wrCc9NAzcIn this five minute video from Monte Sahaja,  Mooji explains that for many, their mind creations seem so real that they often find themselves being molested by their mind.  Let’s listen to Mooji as he helps us to laugh at the power we give to the unreal…
In this ten minute video, Mooji responds to a lady who has a desire to share what she has learned in Satsang and asks, “How Does One Get Started and Do You Think That a Woman Can Ever Be Accepted as a Master?”  Mooji responds that it has nothing to do with being a man or a woman but whether the desire to share (teach) comes from the mind or a movement of the universe.  Let’s see how Mooji explains it…
In this eight minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “Is It Possible to Experience Unconditional Love in a Romantic Relationship?”  Mooji explains that first it must start with a place of wholeness within you and that true unconditional love is not based on demands or expectations.
This thirteen minute audio clip is in response to a questioner who wants to know, “Have any of your devotees ever achieved enlightenment (awakening)?”  Mooji responds to this question and helps us differentiate between temporary moments of clarity and a time where what you know becomes what you are…
In this five minute video, Mooji responds to an inquiry about forgiving yourself for turning away from God.  He explains that what matters is where we are now and that, “He who seeks God finds himself, and he who seeks himself finds God.”
In this eleven minute clip, Mooji replies to a seeker who is looking for some healing.  Mooji explains that we must start by finding the one who requires no healing.  Let’s listen to Mooji’s way of explaining…
In this nine minute clip from Satsang in Rishikesh,  Mooji replies to a seeker who wants to know how he is suppose to love all others as himself.  Mooji explains that it all starts with the realization of your own true nature so that you may recognize that nature in all others.  Let’s listen in… (Features Turkish Subtitles)
In this ten minute video, Mooji explains his views on relationships based on his own life as well as integrating the search for truth and the growth of consciousness through our physical being.  Let’s listen in as he explains the downfalls of expectations, and unhealthy dependence on others… (Features Turkish Subtitles)
In this seven minute video, Mooji explains that we are already home but we are dreaming that somehow we are not home and believe that there is this place that we need to get too. Mooji explains… (Features Portuguese Subtitles)
In this lovely five minute audio, Mooji explains that there is no “out there” because our nature is beyond infinity. How can “something” beyond infinity be found “out there” somewhere?  Lets listen in… (German subtitles included)
In this very inspired five minute video from Mooji, he impresses upon us over and over again that our true nature is “Prior to” anything and everything.  Here Mooji explains what he means by that…
Here is a wonderful little five minute video/audio in which Mooji reminds all of us that We Are That!  This video combines music, text and audio from Mooji that all works together to create a certain receptive mood to impress upon us that we are “Like The Infinite Sky”.
This is another great little five minute audio from Mooji to remind us that nothing needs to be done to recognize the Truth other than leaving it to that which is effortless.
In this wonderful two and a half minute reminder, Mooji‘s pointings put us on a course to direct understanding, direct realization.  Let’s listen…
In this nine minute audio from a Satsang long ago, Mooji reminds us over and over again that as long as there is a “doer” within who is taking responsibility for all that is happening, there is no true possibility for freedom. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wisdom…
In this great little four minute video, Mooji reminds us of the importance of dying to what is not true.  Just a quick reminder that death must come to the ego mind as the tyrant of our reality to expose the grace of God shining within.
In this short six minute video, Mooji explains that the Truth can not truly be understood by the mind and that no matter how much we try to make sense of it all intellectually, the true recognition comes through a nonverbal reality.  Let’s listen in on Mooji’s clear explanation…
In this three minute video, Mooji reminds us of the difference between pain and suffering.  Let’s listen…
In this beautiful four minute video from an interview with Mooji, he attempts to describe with words what we should be looking for in our search for the true “Self”, and points out some potential misunderstandings along the way in order to recognize them.
In this super short 3 minute video, Mooji uses the “Snake and the Rope” metaphor to demonstrate that when the true Self is seen, the world is not seen and when the world is seen, the true Self is not seen.  Upon contemplation, this story has a much deeper meaning than it first appears.  Let’s listen to what Mooji has to say…