Mooji Video: Dying Consciously to What is Not True

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In this great little four minute video, Mooji reminds us of the importance of dying to what is not true.  Just a quick reminder that death must come to the ego mind as the tyrant of our reality to expose the grace of God shining within.

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Diana says:

Gracias, como anillo al dedo.

Anonymous says:

¿ De que forma o con que tipos de estrategias se “rescata” el ego? Gracias.

Diana says:

¿Que síntomas presenta el ego al morir? GRACIAS.

Diana says:

Gracias, como anillo al dedo.
¿Que síntomas presenta el ego? ¿Cuales son las estrategias mas comunes para evadir la muerte del ego?

virginia bryant says:

living is far more terrifying than to die. i do not WANT to exist indefinitely. i HATE my existence and want it to END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

virginia bryant says:

if there were really such a thing as grace this world would not exist as it does

Jean-Pierre says:

Dear Mooji,
for someone dealing with much physical suffering, would it be considered running away if that person chooses “assisted dying” as an exit ?
In love.
(I realized that this is not a comment, but a question!)

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