In this very enlightening 6 minute video, Mooji explains, “We learned to become bound. The self-image, the idea we have of who we are, is only a hologram of the Self. The one who is identified as a person will not transcend Maya.”  Let’s listen to the wisdom behind this…
In this extract from Satsang, a man suffering from chronic depression comes with the desire to awaken to his true nature. A guided introspection with Mooji leads to a profound recognition of what cannot be missed never, even in the face of depression.
This powerful excerpt from the 2019 Lisbon Intensive presents an opportunity to come to an effortless place of peace, our natural state. Mooji explains, ““Follow, listen and observe and you will find that you are in a field which is not physically so tangible, yet is irrefutable in your heart. You know it exists. It is not a form and because it is not a form, all forms are perceivable in their true light.” Let’s listen in…
In this short and powerful spontaneous 5 minute guidance, Mooji reminds us we are awareness itself; that our sense of person-hood with all its history, memories, desires and attachments is simply the illusory play of the mind. He encourages us to keep opening up, letting go, staying empty, light and free.
Here is another wonderful 6 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom. “Something is compelling you to act from the person, to live from the person, to feel attacked as the person. But you have to remember that even the strongest storm is still just a movement in the unmoving awareness itself”
In this brilliant video, Mooji reads from his handwritten notebook, offering profound and timeless pointers, which reveal our formless Self and point the way home to true liberation. Let’s join him…
In this awesome 20 minute Satsang of the Week, Mooji provides us with an exercise that guides the attention back to the essence of your Self, the very ground of being. Let’s now waste another minute and get the show started…
In this fantastic 14 minute video, Mooji explains that even the busiest mind can also be observed, thought without belief has no power, because of that you are the self, the one who gives power by your observation. You are already the Self. Do this amazing and deep inquiry with Mooji together and see the truth.
In this fantastic 10 minute video from the old archives, a questioner explains in her letter that she believes she has an intellectual grip on Realization but she just can’t seem to experience that last step. Let’s listen to Mooji‘s sage advice…
In this wonderful 14 minute video, Mooji expands on the subject of only living once. He explains how there is truly no beginning and no end to a life that can only be lived once, but has no end. What does Mooji mean by that? Let’s find out…
On this Christmas day, Mooji offers his message to drop yourself… the most wonderful present of all.
Mooji answers a letter asking why some master say we are not the doer and that one is just witnessing, but “Isn’t Witnessing also a “Doing”?”
Mooji explains Nisargadatta Maharaj’s famous quote “I leave my human nature to unfold according to what its destiny is, I remain as I am”.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji reminds a questioner that it really doesn’t do any permanent good to try to feel better about the illusion we are identified with and that the solution lies in burning up the illusion all together.
This beautiful four minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and  quotes from Mooji.  This video focuses on the aspects of knowledge.
In this very short 2 and half minuted clip, Mooji reminds us that we are missing the obvious and helps point us in the right direction. This is a great, quick reminder when we need to get back on track.
In this very short 4 minute video clip taken from Mooji’s home in 2008, he reminds us that everything comes from emptiness and returns to emptiness. So, we as the witness of this are what? Listen to the words spoken by Mooji out of emptiness…
In this five minute clip from Mooji, he explains that although this is a common question, it is not a true question. The very premise of the question is wrong, so how can there be a correct answer? For those who are still intrigued by this question, Mooji invites us to look within.
This great 8 minute talk from Mooji could be used as a short meditation as he explains common interactions of the mind on the “path” to realizing the Self until one is permanently seated at the height of their own being.
In this great little four minute video, Mooji reminds us of the importance of dying to what is not true.  Just a quick reminder that death must come to the ego mind as the tyrant of our reality to expose the grace of God shining within.
In this very short three minute video/audio, Mooji responds to the common question, “When will mankind come out of turmoil and conflict between ourselves?”  Let’s listen to some age-old wisdom…
In this seven minute moment from one of his walks, Mooji offers us an invitation to freedom so that we may explore the possibility of living every day life being immersed in the source of being.  And, to remind us that it is totally possible for each one of us.
This short video from Mooji could be used as a wonderful little five minute guided meditation or whenever one needs to be reminded of their true nature.  These words of wisdom express that the same Truth that was realized by Mooji is available for all who seek it.  Let’s listen…
In this nine minute audio, Mooji reminds us that we are not here just to pay rent, work a job, or toil the fields, but that it is time for us to turn our attention to the heart and spirit and leave all the rest to God. Let’s sit back, relax and listen…
In this very lovely thirteen minute video filmed on one of Mooji‘s walks, he reminds us that nothing is inside us but God and that we simply need to remain in silence to be able to see through the scams and schemes of our psychological conditioning.  Let’s join him now…
In this eight minute video, Mooji responds to a very, very popular question about deep sleep, and where do we go in deep sleep?  Mooji explains that the Absolute, that Stateless State, within which all states [waking, dreaming, and deep sleep] are experienced, that pure consciousness that cannot be described and is always present.
In this 9 minute spontaneous Satsang from Sahaja, Mooji explains that very often seekers will run upon hearing the Truth and that this is a common tendency.  He explains that one should not be complacent and that there has to be some vigilance not to buy into the distractions of the mind. Let’s listen to this great advice…
In this unique little 3 minute video, a member of the Delhi Sangha reads a truly moving poem, honouring the life and work of Mooji. Let’s open our hearts and listen…