In this five minute video, Mooji responds to an inquiry about forgiving yourself for turning away from God. He explains that what matters is where we are now and that, “He who seeks God finds himself, and he who seeks himself finds God.”
In this nine minute video recorded from an intimate Satsang in Philadelphia (2006), Mooji explains that we must stand up to the tricks of the mind so that we may not settle for anything other than 100% freedom. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise pointings…
This six minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this nine minute video filmed on one of Mooji‘s walks, he reminds us to turn our attention totally into ourselves which may seem like a selfish mission. But in reality we are like pioneers in our own spiritual life until the person blossoms and turns into presence. Let’s listen…
In this short five minute video, Mooji responds to a letter asking him to talk about a quote from the Isha Upanishad that says, “Who sees all beings in himself and himself in all beings knows no fear”. Mooji reminds us that the answer lies in discovering the very root of our own being.
In this eleven minute clip, a follower wants to know what to do when she is empty (being in Presence) and someone wants to know her preference or opinion about something. Mooji responds to this question. The thing to remember is that being itself has no opinions, but we are still HUMAN beings playing out a role as consciousness, and consciousness can and will continue to interact with life generating spontaneous opinions and preference. “DYNAMIC” LIFE IS NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE “TRUTH”. It is only when there is an attachment to certain opinions and preferences that the problems come
In this AWESOME thirty minute audio, Mooji responds to a seeker saying that there seems to be a wall standing in the way of freedom, and would like to know what needs to happen to tear down that wall. I don’t normally post videos of this length but this special moment is so important for those who feel blocked that I had to include it. Let’s listen to Mooji’s inspired response…
In this 9 minute video clip from one of his Satsangs, Mooji takes us on a short guided trip to the “Self”. Just sit back, relax and follow the sound of Mooji’s voice to a place that we all share. Let’s get started…
In this lovely little 5 minute video of a one-on-one interview, the seeker has several questions for Mooji including the request for Mooji to, “Show me God now!” Let’s listen in on Mooji’s response to this request…
Here is a lovely little video in which a questioner wants to know that if she is the “seer” then what did Jesus mean when he said, “Thy Kingdom Come” and “Death Shall Be No More”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise response…
In this beautiful 3 minute reminder, Mooji responds to the question, “Does Consciousness have any boundaries?”. Mooji encourages us to look inwards and outwards to see if consciousness has a border, limit, or fades at any point. Let’s join Mooji into this inquiry…
A young man comes forward in Satsang to ask how he can come to a higher state where he feels more compassion towards people. Mooji answers very beautifully to explain the nature of true compassion, which includes love and wisdom.
We all have 15 minutes to spare. This fifteen minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
Here is another wonderful 6 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji explains that when seeking the “Truth” there is really no need to even ask a question from the “Person” because at its root the question comes from a falsehood. As Mooji says “To get a “True” answer, one needs to start with a “True” question.”
In this 8 minute video, a seeker writes in saying that she is suffering life and wants to know how she can begin to really live. Mooji explains that the first course of action is to find out who (or what) this “I” really is. Once one knows its true nature of being life itself, there can be no question of “suffering life”.
In this 10 minute excerpt from one of his Satsangs, Mooji explains that even in our every day life, if we operate from the “Self”, even our normal communications with others can turn into a form of communion because we are communicating from consciousness to consciousness instead of person to person.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji is asked about the possibility to serve humanity from the highest state of being? In his reply he explains that we (humanity) is just a concept created by the mind because in reality there is ONLY ONE. This highest state of being is not concerned with serving humanity – it doesn’t know the notion of humanity. It only loves, and everything is taken care of by it.
In this 9 minute video clip taken on one of Mooji‘s walks in Monte Sahaja, he shares with us the initial cause of suffering and offers a way out of suffering by returning our attention back to the that unbound space of being where the imagined self does not exist.
In this wonderful little 8 minute video clip, Mooji covers a lot of areas and ultimately leads us back to that wordless place which has no location. Great little reminder video to keep us on track.
In this special five minute video, Mooji shares his message of true love for world peace. Let’s all open our hearts with love for others and pray to bring about peace throughout the world.
In this amazingly relaxing five minute video clip from Mooji, we find him talking about understanding the most fundamental principle as a strong foundation for our awakening. Why not take five minutes right now to absorb a moment of “Truth” with Mooji…
In this 10 minute audio clip, Mooji helps a seeker differentiate between the “I Am”, the “One Who Sees the I Am” and the “Eternal Being”. This video can help clear things up for many, so let’s listen in as Mooji shares the “Truth” with us all…
In this six minute video, Mooji delivers a special message for Guru Purnima 2016. Guru Purnima is a Nepalese and Indian festival dedicated to spiritual and academic teachers. This festival is traditionally celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists, to pay their respects to their teachers and express their gratitude.
We all have 5 minutes to spare. This five minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
This four minute reminder is very short but is one of the best videos created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this nine minute video, a devotee would like Mooji to pour his blessing onto her, as if this will magically transfer his Awakening to her and others in the room. Mooji tries to explain that this is not the way this works and that there is no magical short cut to Awakening. Let’s listen…
In this four minute audio, Mooji sings a beautiful mantra. Here are the words: Om Aham Soham Tat Tvam Asi I AmI Am HeThat You Are I AmShiva I AmShiva You Are You are always in my HeartNever shall we be apart Om Namah Namah ShivayaOm Namah Shivaya It is done It is doneAlleluia It is done You are always in my HeartNever shall we be apart I am always in your HeartNever shall we be apart Om Namah Namah ShivayaOm Namah Shivaya It is done It is doneAlleluia It is done Om Namah Namah ShivayaOm Namah Shivaya Om Namo