In this recent video clip, a young boy asks Mooji how will he know to identify the true Self. As the conversation unfolds, more questions come to light. He asks if doubts will leave on their own, about the “fake” mind and about thoughts. The young boy and Mooji exchange anecdotes which underpin the pointings that are being shared. Let’s listen…
In this great clip from Sangha, a questioner wants to know, “What am I to do with all this bliss?” Mooji explains that we should not fear giving in to the sometimes overpowering sense of joy. He goes on to describe some of the ways we can release our joy without seeming like we are crazy to the rest of the world. Let’s join in…
In this awesome 10 minute video, Mooji reminds us that even after realization of the Truth takes place, much of our conditioning will still remain. Mooji explains that you can not get rid of this conditioning through conscious effort but rather by simply remaining present as the self. Let’s listen…
In this 21 minute video we find Mooji doing a short guided meditation asking us to stay empty and remain unplugged from the goings on of the mind.
During the April 2020 Online Weekend Retreat, Mooji has a very clear and illuminating exchange about the true nature of happiness, and how the mind can promise future happiness as a distraction from the happiness that is natural to our being. Let’s enjoy…
We often think about things or people that are preventing us from self realization, but maybe there is something else or someone that is sabotaging us? Maybe it is our own mind? Let us find out together in this powerful 10 minute meditative inquiry from Mooji.
Here is another wonderful 5 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom. This edition features Mooji explaining, “Here the pointing has been over and over again to come to the recognition of that which is unmoving, It is not an object, it is not even a subject, It is here, it is always here, The unchanging One, that is our reality.“
Get ready for an amazing intimate Satsang with Mooji where he provides help for the seeker that applies to all of us at the same time. This is a short four part series which has been broken down to allow better absorption of the material. Please enjoy!
In this special 8 minute video, a questioner wants to know, “How to tell my children their parents will separate”. Mooji responds by explaining that she must try to not let herself be taken over by the mind and take the appropriate actions in the moment spontaneously. Let’s listen…
Here is Part 3 of a treasured 3 part series that demonstrates the depth of Mooji’s “knowledge” and comprehension of our true nature. In this small series Mooji is at his highest level of understanding and sharing capabilities.
Mooji answers the question “Is it possible to live the truth?”
Practice may be enjoyable and help your ego to reach states of peace, but this has nothing to do with realization. As long as there is a “Practicer”, there can be no realization. Who is the practicer? Unreal!
Who is responsible for all the violence occurring in the world? Mooji answers this question in this video but the answer is very easy to miss. To sum it up in short, when consciousness is identified with the body, this gives birth to individuality (the ego) and this ‘ego’ is susceptible to any kind of conditioning, good or bad. Therefore, conditioning and genetics can produce a Mother Teresa or it can produce a murderer but in either case, it begins with miss-identification.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji explains that Awakening is not about becoming a stone Buddha or someone that is always in serious meditation. In fact, an awakened one experiences total freedom to have fun and enjoy all that life has to offer.
Here is a wonderful 20 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “Nothing Here But You”. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
Have you ever felt frustrated about losing your connection with the self? In this 5 minute video Mooji explains why this happens which provides you with the answer to this question.
In this beautiful 5 minute video clip from Mooji we find a seeker coming to a beautiful recognition that upon Awakening, even the “I am” can not be found and you can again welcome the universe to do its thing with the body without requiring designated driver.
In this 9 minute video from Mooji, he shows us step by step how the play of spirituality goes from innocence to identification with the body and a return back to the stillness from which life flows, with all the steps in between. Excellent video if you wish to realize the self.
In this 5 minute clip of Mooji appearing on an interview with Lilou Mace, she asks him about the growing number of people who are afraid of being controlled in a cult like fashion with certain ideas about spirituality. In his response, Mooji explains that the most common cult is the cult of ignorance which has billions of members and how it is possible to escape from it.
This amazing 10 minute video from Mooji helps us to see clearly that intention, want and desire is the most common source of our suffering. He also explains why it seems that the fulfillment of our desires brings us joy, when in reality it is only a very temporary period when we stop suffering the desire. To view the entire “Kissing Frog” video discussed in this video, please click here.
In this six minute video, a seeker says she is now able to just let mind activities and most bodily sensations come and go but wants to know how to get rid of this tension like fear in her belly that seems to be permanent.
In this eight minute video from Mooji, a questioner wants to know if she can help or speed up her self inquiry using other practices such as Asana, Pranayama Meditation or other forms of Yogas and practices. Listen to Mooji’s surprising answer…
In this great 12 minute video, Mooji uses a metaphor to help us understand that Realization (Awakening) is only one small twist of Consciousness away. It is not a matter of learning, or studying or trying to understand, but rather only a tiny twist in Awareness. Let’s listen to his wise words as he explains…
In this lovely five minute audio, Mooji explains that there is no “out there” because our nature is beyond infinity. How can “something” beyond infinity be found “out there” somewhere? Lets listen in… (German subtitles included)
In this great little 6 minute video recorded on one of Mooji‘s walks, he talks to us about God and that no matter what we call God, there is nothing outside of God. Let’s listen…
In this great little twelve minute video, Mooji reminds us that once we realize our true nature and have chosen freedom, we will no longer want to give in to the old habits and ways of the ego.
In this five minute video, Mooji uses the metaphor that our nature is like the ocean to help us understand who we truly are in relationship to who we think ourselves to be.
In this great little four minute reminder, Mooji explains that we should always stay totally fresh, even when the mind would like to repeat a particularly sweet moment that we enjoyed. Let’s listen to Mooji’s words of wisdom on remaining focused on what Is…