Everything comes and everything passes except one “thing” that can not pass. In this super short three minute video, Mooji explains that finding the one that can not pass is the key to finding your “Self”.
This is a beautiful 7 minute compilation video featuring Neale Donald Walsch and Mooji. This video focuses on the fact that our natural state is already perfect and supported by Grace. Let’s enjoy now…
This is a very important 7 minute guidance for seekers of Truth to understand the storms of the mind and any attack of ‘personal identity.’ As Mooji explains, “Please ponder on this over and over again! Look forward to your next mind attack. Say, ‘Mind, Please come! I am waiting for you.’ This is the goal of any authentic spiritual Self-realisation!”
This 7 minute video clip from Mooji focuses on all the different ways the mind can assign a list of jobs to do in order to be free, when in reality all that needs to happen is complete freedom FROM the mind. There are no obstacles to overcome, no hoops to jump through, no activity of any kind to realize the self. When one does not associate with ANYTHING, what remains? Listen to what Mooji has to say…
Did you know that your Awakening may have already taken place?! The fact is that there are countless beings out there that have actually realized their true nature, but because the mind (ego) seems to return now and then, they are still waiting for an awakening to happen. The FACT is that Awakening is only a stage in our spiritual evolution and that once Awakening has taken place, integration of our new understanding in our daily lives is something that must include vigilance until our body’s dying breath. Let’s listen to what Mooji and Rupert Spira have to say…
In this amazing 15 minute compilation, Mooji answers the most popular questions about love such as “What is Love?”, “How to love everyone as I love myself?” , “How to Love without attachments?”, and “How to love unconditionally?”. Let’s find a quiet place and enjoy!
This beautiful and simple 7 minute guidance is for everyone. Mooji points us to the affirmation ‘I Am’—our pure presence before connecting to activity or intention. We are invited to simply rest in our own being.
In this interesting 2 minute video, a questioner wants to know if experiencing Kundalini is truly important for Awakening. Let’s listen to Mooji‘s surprising response…
In this video, Mooji explains how we are not “destined” to awaken. Destiny is for the body, not for what you truly are. Mooji uses a great story to explain how this is so.
The meaning of life is found when we understand our true reality. Mooji explains that true reality projects our internal reality to our external world. When we discover our purpose, we find that the meaning of life is simply to live toward our chosen purpose. Once we find our purpose, we then have a reason to live and remain alive. This does not mean to live for other people. It has to be larger than that, so that your purpose and meaning never die.
In this short 20 minute excerpt from the recent Satsang Intensive in Lisbon, Mooji invites us to plunge into the heart of Self-inquiry.
The best way to serve God is to be empty of the sense of a personal “you”. By following Mooji’s guidance in this video, we experience harmony with God and find absolute joy in the emptiness of being.
In this unusual 7 minute question and answer video, a woman says that her thirst for God is SO STRONG that it becomes intense and painful and wants to know if this is normal or what can she do about it. Let’s listen to Mooji‘s response…
In this 5 minute video from an impromptu walk in the hills of Portugal, Mooji explains that there is no need to try and understand the universe and fill your mind with concepts that can only lead you away from the “Self”. The key lies in becoming empty and following the light within ourselves.
In this 5 minute video, Mooji answers the question, “What Causes Awakening To Happen?” The most important part of his response is the realization that “Awakening” is about discovering what does not happen. Listen to this short video to learn what Mooji means by this…
In this lovely 15 minute video from the archives we find a seekerthat says that when she is “here” with Mooji she can experiencepeace but when she’s not here that’s when things get out of hand.Mooji responds to her question by first taking a closer lookat the meaning of “here”.
In this exceptional 11 minute video from the archives, a follower seems to be very confused about the fact that her attention keeps following the mind and wants to know if that is alright and what can she do about it. Let’s listen to Mooji sage advice…
This amazing 15 minute video, Mooji conducts a dialogue about various fears that come up in the mind in resistance to total freedom. “The mind can only blackmail you if you have something to defend… the fears only have some holding power while you are identified with your projections.” Let’s listen as Mooji explains further…
This great little 4 minute video, Mooji reminds us to “I leave my human nature to play according to what their destiny is. I remain as I Am.” So where is the person in all of this? Let’s take a closer look…
Here is a wonderful 13 minute video where Mooji describes our true essence. This video may be used as a guided meditation as well so lets get started.
Mooji explains that our perfume is freedom and that ultimately we are “That” which is Aware of all that is coming and going. Since in the world of form, everything is coming and going, what is left is what never changes… let’s listen to how Mooji describes this…
In this 6 minute video, a letter asks about something that is fairly common in Satsang which is getting actual physical reactions such feeling heavy or tingling sensations in the body. She would like Mooji to talk more about that so here he is…
This 40 minute Satsang is a direct transmission: Heart to Heart! No notebooks, no learning, no intellectual understanding needed. Just listen with an open heart as Mooji shares precious gems like… “This day that I speak about is not a 24 hour day… it is a God day. Which is timeless.” Let’s join him now…
In this lovely 10 minute video, Mooji reminds us that the world is not a collection of items appearing in Maya and it is not an eternal spell. Let’s find out more details…
In this six minute video, we find Mooji talking about everything just happening spontaneously, letting go of “you”, and remembering that activity is not in conflict with “Truth”.
In this AMAZING 4 minute audio, Mooji is truly inspiring. The words spoke in this recording are the Absolute irrefutable Truth. This is as far as the mind can comprehend with words, the only thing beyond this can not be spoken in words, but can be experienced. Let’s listen…
Get ready for an amazing intimate Satsang with Mooji where he provides help for the seeker that applies to all of us at the same time. This is a short four part series which has been broken down to allow better absorption of the material. This is Part 2 of 4. Please enjoy!
Every person have had some traumatic experiences. In this lovely 12 minute video, Mooji explains how to deal with trauma. When we observe without thinking, without words, completely with all your attention you will see that the one who is experiencing is also the trauma itself. In pure observation everything will melt away or merge with True self.