This is a 13 minute video but the actual talking clip is only 10 minutes. It also includes a beautiful live performance of “Kissed from Within” from Jyoti. Mooji talks about free will and mostly reminds us that its all about letting our life unfold from the greater harmony.
Very often when we feel that perhaps we have realized who/what we are, we feel the need to share it. This is especially common when it comes to sharing it with friends and family. In this short video Mooji explains that most will not want to hear your message and that it is perfectly alright to be a “Buddha With No Disciple”.
In this six minute clip, a seeker explains that they are doing all the right things but they still can’t seem to catch a hold of the observer. Mooji explains why this is happening…
In this 13 minute video, Mooji explains that what people call “Evil” is part of the full dance of interrelated opposites that has to be played out. We can not have only one side of manifestation. In order for the “good” to manifest, the “bad” must be allowed to manifest as well. That is NOT the same as saying that as the human race we have to condone the evil actions of others.
In this interesting 5 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker that wants to know which thoughts are coming from mind and which are coming from consciousness. Mooji explains that the main difference is to recognize whether the thoughts are personal in nature or universal in nature.
Here is a wonderful 20 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “Nothing Here But You”. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
In this 8 minute video, Mooji explains that it is important for one to realize that there is nothing wrong when old thought patterns emerge because old thought patterns and activity can still come during the transition from the personal self to pure awareness, and in fact, can still come after full awakening has taken place.
In this very short video, Mooji explains that we need to become vigilant in watching for signs of defensiveness in ourselves as this is a sure sign of the ego being alive and well.
This is one of Mooji‘s most passionate short videos ever recorded. On one of his walks, Mooji responds to everyone and to thousands of questions sent to him on an ongoing basis about all the issues they think they are experiencing that is keeping them from freedom. THIS 4 MINUTE VIDEO IS A MUST SEE FOR EVERYONE!
In this great 5 minute video, Mooji explains that we are consciousness itself and that once this is realized, there is no need to try to get rid of the “person”. The person is demonstrated to be only a myth, only a shadow.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji reminds a questioner that it really doesn’t do any permanent good to try to feel better about the illusion we are identified with and that the solution lies in burning up the illusion all together.
In this seven minute video, Mooji replies to a devotee who says that all interest has gone and that now even the interest in Satsang is going and he wants to know “What now?” Listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this seven minute video clip, Mooji explains that the person we think we are is just an illusion. Yet, even though many realize this false identification, most are still following it and investing time and energy defending it in one form or another. Mooji explains why…
In this seven minute video clip, Mooji leads a seeker to the “Self”. Mooji shows her that she is the ever present nothing in which all “somethings” appear and disappear.
In this short impromptu video moment, Mooji explains that we should live our lives as the sky (emptiness and free). Enjoy this moment of wisdom with Mooji outside of the formal setting of public Satsangs.
In this short impromptu video clip, Mooji describes that for many of those who feel they have “Awakened”, they truly have not “Awakened at all. The first sign of these false “Awakenings” is the pronouncement that “I have Awakened”, “This is it!”. These types of “Awakening” moments still smell of arrogance and identity and are almost always temporary in nature.
In this five minute video clip taken out of an interview, Mooji explains that the “Truth” is about the “Realization” that the true “You” is even prior to consciousness and its manifestations. This video essentially contains all that is needed to “Realize” the “Truth”.
In this super short video clip, Mooji offers instructions for doing the absolute simplest meditation that anyone can do at almost any time. The idea is to turn this meditation into a habit that can eventually turn into a constant state of being. At the very least, it can provide daily moments of inner recognition.
In this short video clip, Mooji explains that all that is going on in this world is a play of consciousness and that soon big changes are coming. He also reminds us that the biggest change that needs to take place is for consciousness to shift its focus from the outside world to the inside world.
In this four and a half minute video, Mooji describes in simplest terms what in “Awakening” and what it means to be “Awakened”. Extremely well put and simple to understand with Spanish subtitles.
In this 5 minute video, Mooji uses a parable that once you truly see things for what they are, you are no longer able to follow the illusion of it.
In this short clip, Mooji explains that you are the source seeking itself. He goes on to explain that the source is also imminent inside the functioning of manifestation itself so as it flows out through grace to create the universe, it is also experiencing the universe within itself.
In this six minute video, Mooji explains that having multiple spiritual practices can be ok if you are doing them just for pleasure, but if you are truly seeking the truth within, multiple practices will keep you as a spiritual tourist, never getting to the deepest meaning you are searching for. See how Mooji puts it…
In this beautiful 9 minute video, Mooji explains that while having a body, Awakening is about Unity inside of Duality. He explains that a Jnani’s state is two-aspected and includes an aspect of unchanging awareness while also enjoying an ever changing and growing aspect as well.
In this valuable and direct 5 minute video, Mooji answers a question about a statement that is often thrown around by false masters saying, “There is nothing you can do to attain Self-Realization”. Mooji explains that such a statement can only come from one who has not realized the truth and explains where the error is. Listen to Mooji’s explanation…
In this 8 minute video, Mooji explains once again that the number one fear keeping most from Realizing the Self is the fear of loosing who they are as a person. They can not possibly imagine a scenario where one could go on without a sense of identity so they keep placing delays and obstacles in the way.
In this 2 minute video, Mooji provides a short and direct reply to the question, “Is It Important to Devote Time to Meditation?”. It is important to note that although Mooji says it is very important to devote time to meditation, he also immediately inserts that he is not speaking of the usual meaning of meditation which is normally focused on an object.
In this 2 minute video, Mooji provides a short and direct reply to the question, “What Is the Difference Between Self and Intuition?”