In this great 5 minute video, Mooji explains that we are consciousness itself and that once this is realized, there is no need to try to get rid of the “person”. The person is demonstrated to be only a myth, only a shadow.
In this great 5 minute video, Mooji explains that we are consciousness itself and that once this is realized, there is no need to try to get rid of the "person". The person is demonstrated to be only a myth, only a shadow.
In this great 5 minute video, Mooji explains that we are consciousness itself and that once this is realized, there is no need to try to get rid of the “person”. The person is demonstrated to be only a myth, only a shadow.
Love these. Thank you!!!!!
Many thanks Sri mooji baba for your simple pointings I was into shamanic journeys but when I came across your beautiful meditations the penny dropped I then realised journeys imagination techniques only fed the ego and therefore bondage ,much gratitude In its simplicity of effortlessness it makes everything more beautiful leaving aside mind identity even in walking in nature seeing nature as it simply is ie not labelling treas as trees but looking with that intuitive knowing without mind lables or identity of all things wich are shiva, that wich is not physical,everything becomes more magical leaving the illusion of mind and its identifying nature being as you are you leave the illusion and see truth, many thanks let there be peace let there be love for all life universal om namah shivaya om shanti shanti shanti