Mooji Video: The Simplest Description of Awakening

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In this four and a half minute video, Mooji describes in simplest terms what in “Awakening” and what it means to be “Awakened”. Extremely well put and simple to understand with Spanish subtitles.

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Rani says:

I have given my email but I am not receiving anything in my email. Please let me know why?

admin says:

There is a 99% chance that the emails are going in your spam folder.

Jacquie says:

If I have a question for Mooji, will I receive a reply? Thanks

admin says:

To try to contact Mooji, please visit his website at

Jude Covacevich says:

This simple explanation from Mooji bought tears to my eyes. In that very moment of feeling confused there was Mooji to give the answer. Thank you Mooji my heart is full. Namaste

Danielle Choquette says:

Very beautiful! Simple to understand for everyone.Thank you for sharing! _()_

Irene Wildenberg-Palmer says:

This is so clear, so succinct so wondrous. Thank you Mooji and all your helpers.

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