In this lovely 15 minute old school video, Mooji offers some deep insight into the nature of the mind and how we can learn how to master the mind instead of remaining a victim to it. Let’s listen in now…
Where could Infinite hide? Is it everywhere or just outside or just inside? Let us find out together with Mooji in this beautiful 15 minute Invitation to freedom and Infinite Love.
In this special, well produced 5 minute video, Mooji reminds us that our world is shaped by our understanding of reality and the thoughts that result from that understanding. Let’s listen in…
Even in the storm of good thoughts and bad thoughts there is the peace of present awareness behind the thoughts and the one deciding “good or bad” thoughts. It is important to be able to distinguish between them so let’s listen carefully to what Mooji is saying…
In this exceptional video clip from Sangha, Mooji combines humor with potent wisdom. Mooji reminds us how a restless attention is observable and that we should not believe that the mind has to be quiet in order for our meditation to be successful. If your attention grapples/hooks onto thoughts, then this video is especially for you.
In this clever little 5 minute video, Mooji reminds us that in the process of melting our identity as a person, or a somebody… It may very well take a very special somebody to become nobody. Let’s listen to Mooji’s explanation… Includes French text translation.
In this lovely little 3 minute audio, Mooji explains that no thought can disturb the beingness because Peace (its’ natural state) is greater than any thought, including “disturbing” thoughts. Let’s find out why…
In this FANTASTIC 5 minute compilation created by Jasmin Davis, we find clips that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mooji is NOT RESPONSIBLE for the way his followers feel about him and that he constantly discourages people from kissing his feet. It just so happens that this is a VERY common way to show respect in the Indian community and they just feel the need within themselves to show their respects to Mooji. Let’s listen to the reality… Click here to find out why people kiss feet in the Indian tradition.
In this great 9 minute reminder, Mooji reminds us that Awakening has nothing to do with trying to stop thought. The fact is that we can never stop thought, nor will we ever be able to stop thoughts. The entire point of freedom is about dis-empowering thoughts, NOT getting rid of them. Let’s listen…
In this great little 8 minute video clip, Mooji responds to an inquiry from a seeker who wants to know, “How do I let go of the attention itself?” Mooji explains the nature of attention and how there is the ONE who is aware of our focus of attention. Let’s listen in…
In this enlightening twelve minute video from Satsang, Mooji explains that many of us are very vigilant about identifying our negative thoughts and emotions as possible blocks to freedom when in reality it is important to realize that our “positive” thoughts and emotions can be just as delusional as our negative thoughts. Let’s listen to the meaning of what Mooji is saying…
In this five minute clip, Mooji replies to a seeker wanting to know if it is possible that he is suffering from a bad conscience, or a suffering mind. Let’s listen to Mooji’s enlightened response…
In this twelve minute clip from a Satsang in Poland, Mooji explains that the mind is not the big problem or hurdle that people make it out to be. Once one truly realizes that the mind itself is powerless and phenomenal in nature, one can start focusing on the only true point of power. Here’s Mooji to explain…
In this wonderful 17 minute audio from Monte Sahaja, Mooji offers some detailed practical advice on how to deal with negative emotions and mind attacks. Since this offers the answer to one of the most sought after questions, lets listen in very carefully to his advice…
In this wonderful five minute video, Mooji helps us realize how much we follow our thoughts to which we assign such validity that we keep on delaying the realization of something that we already are. Let’s listen in while a seeker comes to this realization…
In this lovely six minute video clip, Mooji dives deep into the nature of our beliefs, how they work, how they create delusion and suffering and although they seem to shape our moment to moment experiences, they are truly only phenomenon that can be observed by the Isness of our existence.
In this eight minute video clip, Mooji talks about how much importance we place on our mind and how we let our minds dictate our lives. He goes on to say how imperative it is for us to shake this trust in our minds before freedom can be fully realized within us. Is your mind YOUR guru? Lets listen and find out…
In this very inspired five minute video from Mooji, he impresses upon us over and over again that our true nature is “Prior to” anything and everything. Here Mooji explains what he means by that…
In this eight minute video clip, Mooji responds to an inquiry about how to deal with our monkey mind. This was the number one video on our site until we had to take it down because it was deleted, but now it is back so enjoy!!
In this 5 minute video, Mooji explains that in order to escape the tyranny of the mind, we must decide that no matter what, we will not spend our life cowering to the mind and that there is no projection scary enough to remain as a puppet for the mind. This video clip is related to this clip.
In this six minute video clip, Mooji responds to a questioner that says that as soon as her eyes open in the morning she is bombarded with thoughts and no matter what she tries it is a constant battle playing itself out in her head and desperately wants to know what she can do about it. Mooji offers simple, effective advice… This video clip is related to this clip.
In this wonderful 10 minute video from Mooji, he drives home the point that our true “Self” is incorruptible and can only appear to be corrupted if we dream corruption, because in actuality that which is one can never be two, it can only dream two-ness. Realizing this is the key to the freedom that we seek.
In this short video, Mooji replies to an inquiry about good thoughts verses bad thoughts. He explains that while the attention is focused on the value of thought, the thinker of thoughts is missed. What we want to do is place our attention on the Undivided Seer.
In this interesting 5 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker that wants to know which thoughts are coming from mind and which are coming from consciousness. Mooji explains that the main difference is to recognize whether the thoughts are personal in nature or universal in nature.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji explains that it is important for one to realize that there is nothing wrong when old thought patterns emerge because old thought patterns and activity can still come during the transition from the personal self to pure awareness, and in fact, can still come after full awakening has taken place.
This is one of Mooji‘s most passionate short videos ever recorded. On one of his walks, Mooji responds to everyone and to thousands of questions sent to him on an ongoing basis about all the issues they think they are experiencing that is keeping them from freedom. THIS 4 MINUTE VIDEO IS A MUST SEE FOR EVERYONE!
In this short, yet very important video, Mooji replies to a questioner that asks “Is Freedom From Thought Freedom From Ego?” and “I Can Not Stop Thoughts… Am I a Hopeless Case?” Mooji explains that it is not possible to stop thoughts permanently and that stopping thoughts is not the goal. It is more about being free from the influence of thought… see how Mooji replies…
In this 7 minute video Mooji explains our proper relationship with thought. Freedom is not being free from thought. Freedom is being free from the influence of thought and realizing that thought by itself is nothing.