Where could Infinite hide? Is it everywhere or just outside or just inside? Let us find out together with Mooji in this beautiful 15 minute Invitation to freedom and Infinite Love.
Where could Infinite hide? Is it everywhere or just outside or just inside? Let us find out together with Mooji in this beautiful 15 minute Invitation to freedom and Infinite Love.
Where could Infinite hide? Is it everywhere or just outside or just inside? Let us find out together with Mooji in this beautiful 15 minute Invitation to freedom and Infinite Love.
Perfect whole and complete
Thank you moojibaba
As our thoughts come and go, do they pay attention to us ?
I tried to cross a road at a busy 4 way intersection. I waited through the changes of 8 traffic lights. I stepped into the pedestrian crossing and the traffic moved faster. Each driver was on a mission more important than anyone else’s, including the vulnerable pedestrian.
So why do I run down particular thoughts, interview them from a thousand perspectives, but then drop them without memory of that attention ?
What notices this ?
From what source do these thoughts spring ?
You are letting your attention get carried away into your thoughts. The only thing you can do is remain as the witness and ignore your thoughts.
Realisation of the Absolute is awareness of awakening to being awake . Thank you. Calling god he is giving the illusion of a separate identity. There is only One and All is that. Love gratitude peace to you and all here.