In this amazing 4 minute reminder, Mooji explains, ““You say you want to get rid of the noise, but you and the noise go together. You have to be you without ‘you’ and all noise will stop. The real You is the formless witness within. The person, the noisy one, is only imagined. To recognize this is Freedom.” This video is guaranteed to get you back on track in 5 minutes or less…
This wonderful 10 minute video from the archives, a question asks Mooji, “Why did consciousness, who is already bliss, become humans and all the other creatures living in a state of ignorance, AND once we find our way back to bliss, how can we make sure we don’t loose it again?” Let’s listen to Mooji’s response…
In this short video, Mooji reminds us that an intellectual understanding is not really realizing the self but that we need to VERIFY this knowledge inside our being for our own self. Let’s listen to his pointings…
In this 9 minute video, Mooji takes us on the journey from mind to Awareness itself. Polish beings will find this video especially interesting as it is instantly translated into Polish.
In this beautiful 6 minute video, Mooji speaks about being the unsplittable ONE who is here right now. Because of our belief in our minds, we fall under the spell of our own hypnosis when in actuality the truth that we are has eternally been right here, right now.
In this super short video from an interview with Mooji, he responds to questions about satisfaction, wants, desires, and simplicity of life. Even though we can see in this interview that a seed existed within him to move from England, we also can see that there was no plan, no goal, only a contentment for living for the moment, and yet life has brought him to Monte Sahaja and an entire community built around him.
In this 10 minute clip from Zmar, Mooji takes us on a very relaxing introspection of remaining as nothing (or nobody). This clip is almost a guided meditation helping us to see that all we are experiencing are just movements in time.
In this super short 4 minute video, Mooji responds to a questioner wanting to know if we need outside help to awaken or is there truly nothing that we can do anyways. Listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this eight minute video, Mooji talks about the purpose of spirituality being the realization of the the “I AM” (Pure Beingness), free of attachments to perception or the objects of perception. He then goes on to explain that for a few there comes the realization that even the unassociated being (I Am) is found to be a concept. Let’s listen in as he explains…
This is another great little five minute audio from Mooji to remind us that nothing needs to be done to recognize the Truth other than leaving it to that which is effortless.
In this lovely ten minute moment filmed on one of his walks, Mooji explains that humanity must go beyond person-hood in order to transcend all of the shortfalls of believing in such a delusion which is responsible for so much suffering in the world.
In this eight minute video clip, a seeker asks questions about his journey and Mooji reminds us not to fall for the mind’s tricks that are meant to reinforce your person-hood. Let’s listen now…
In this interesting nine minute video, Mooji uses a true story about one of Leonardo DaVinci’s paintings to drive home the reality that under all the conditioning and imaginings shines our priceless true nature. Let’s open our ears and hearts to this message…
In this lovely 9 minute video filmed and translated to German, the question of self-trust or relationship arises with wrong identification. Mooji shows us the easy way to stillness and effortlessness, nobody can give or take away. Where is effortlessness there is peace. Let’s listen to these potent words of wisdom…
Do you have 10 minutes for freedom? In this BEAUTIFUL guided meditation, Mooji takes us into our hearts where he plants the seeds of eternal wisdom. Let’s just sit back, relax and enjoy!
This is a beautiful 3 minute guided mini meditation from Mooji set to Binaural Beats. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom… (For the best effect, I believe head phones should be used).
Here’s another beautiful 15 minute guided meditation from Mooji that will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
A very beautiful and rich excerpt in which a questioner comes to rest in the understanding of her ever-perfect nature. She expresses great gratitude for the guidance shared. Mooji shares many beautiful analogies and powerful pointings which invite us into experiential recognition.
This powerful Guided Meditation, “Glory to the Supreme”, was shared on Guru Purnima in Monte Sahaja, Portugal. Guru Purnima is an auspicious day to honour, celebrate and express our deep gratitude for the immense blessing of the Guru. The word ‘Guru’ has Sanskrit origins, meaning ‘the dispeller of darkness’, and such a one is a light unto this world. We embrace this day to acknowledge our great fortune of sharing this lifetime with our beloved Mooji. Guru Purnima has ancient roots and is celebrated by several traditions around the world: the Hindu, Jain and Buddhist communities celebrate with great love
In this lovely 10 minute video filmed on one of his walks, Mooji explains that free from intentions, desires, and obsessive planning, we are back in our natural state which is spontaneous and in harmony with all of life. Let’s start enjoying this now…
THIS IS PART 2 OF A 2 PART VIDEO. PLEASE WATCH PART 1 FIRST. This video is a follow up to the Video “How Mooji Lost the Ego“, when Mooji says that on the day he lost his ego, Mooji felt that he was disrespected and angry at Papaji. This is an actual video of the day that this happened.
In this video Mooji describes his experience of loosing his 23 year old son and what took place within him. Please note: There is a Part 1 to this video but the subject matter is almost identical to a previous video that can be seen by clicking here. This part (part 2) stands completely on its own.
In this video Mooji tackles the question about worry and what to do about it. His advice focuses mainly on worry about your children as a parent, but the message would be the same for any kind of worry.
In this 2 minute video, Mooji provides a short and direct reply to the question, “What Is the Difference Between Self and Intuition?”
In this 8 minute video, Mooji explains that we need to stop looking for an experience of Awakening (Enlightenment, Realization). He explains how freedom is NOT an experience, no matter how special we think it may be.
In this 6 minute video, Mooji responds to a devotee who says that she has seen that she is only “That” but it seems like the mind sometimes comes back even stronger and what she can do. Mooji explains that this is a form of detox and that it may take some time to work through old conditioning.
In this nine minute video clip of Mooji, we find him focusing in on the “I Am” and taking a closer look at what it is and what it is not to help us come to a place of unmixed being.
This amazing 9 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combines music, images, and quotes from Mooji, including a live video clip in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.