Mooji Moment: “Oh Happy Day!” – A Poem of Gratitude

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In this unique little 3 minute video, a member of the Delhi Sangha reads a truly moving poem, honouring the life and work of Mooji. Let’s open our hearts and listen…

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Kamala says:

Vielen Dank !
Soooooo gut zu erkennen in welche Lebensbereichen ich achtsam sein muss ! In ALLEN !!!! Dann tut sich große Freiheit auf ! Weniger WOLLEN, mehr GENIESSEN !

rowena says:

Beautiful, thank you xxxx

Anonymous says:

Amazingly touching, thank you for sharing ❤️

Anonymus says:

Balm to the Soul.

Sharon Riegler says:

Very lovely and true!

Shelley Freeman says:

Absolutely wonderful. Perfect.

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