In this 5 minute video clip from Mooji, he addresses the question that many people have of possibly not being good enough to realize the Truth. If this is a thought that crosses your mind now and then, listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this 5 minute video clip from Mooji, he addresses the question that many people have of possibly not being good enough to realize the Truth. If this is a thought that crosses your mind now and then, listen to what Mooji has to say...
In this 5 minute video clip from Mooji, he addresses the question that many people have of possibly not being good enough to realize the Truth. If this is a thought that crosses your mind now and then, listen to what Mooji has to say…
Om….Very nice video…Thanks with my alove…Pranam Dear Guruji……Om.
Thank you thank you. Wonderful video
“Whoever may criticize you, thankfully your salvation does not depend upon them.” Mooji
This is freedom.