In this video Mooji poses some questions to you to help you determine where you stand.
In this wonderful five minute video, Mooji helps us realize how much we follow our thoughts to which we assign such validity that we keep on delaying the realization of something that we already are.  Let’s listen in while a seeker comes to this realization…
In this great 11 minute audio that very few have ever heard, Mooji explains why inquiry and investigating our inner world is so important and how this kind of introspection is the key to realizing the “Self”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s pointings…
Here is another wonderful 5 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this lovely five minute video, Mooji shares a few words on the mind produced illusion of time and that “despite being panicked by the thought that time is disappearing, and that your life disappears along with time, you will know that what disappears is only that which belongs to time and it is an illusion.”
In this lovely video from 2023, Mooji guides us through a potent and transformative Self-inquiry guidance, triggered by a questioner’s frustration that sometimes he is not able to shift to the place of the Self.
In this great little seven minute video, a follower tells Mooji that he finally “Got It”.  This usually is followed by Mooji replying “who’s got it?”, but upon closer examination Mooji seems to be pleased with his description and that perhaps a deeper understanding has taken place. Let’s watch…
Many seekers believe that Awakening means that the Mind simply falls away and magically disappears, when in reality, it is the belief in the mind (as reality) that falls away.  In this twelve minute clip, Mooji helps us understand this mistake and how (upon Awakening) the activities of the mind become more and more insignificant.
In this five minute video clip filmed at the Kannapa Temple in Tiruvannamalai, India, we see Mooji having an impromptu Satsang explaining that the first step in “realizing” the God-Self within us is to learn how to bring our attention away from the forest of associations and attachments.
In this very special 23 minute video, Mooji shares this simple ‘escape button’ metaphor and guided inquiry to take us beyond mind identification and into our natural joy and freedom. Let’s get started…
This 22 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony.  Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
In this amazing video, Mooji helps us remember the importance of learning how to observe how everything is coming and going.  This will lead to the discovery that there is only one “thing” that is NOT coming and going.  When this happens, one has found the Self.  Let’s listen…
This 17 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self.  Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this short 6 minute video, Mooji answers the question “How can I live life being still and without identity?” This quite a common question that is the result of a common misunderstanding. Mooji explains how activities of life can take place spontaneously on the outside and yet the self remains still and without identity on the inside.
This sixteen minute live guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony.  This one focuses on looking at “who is the I who am?”  Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
What does it mean to integrate? To continue to not identify with things that come up. We are not on a journey to refine the person — include also the sense of the person as a phenomenon perceived by something which cannot be seen. The person is a restless state, searching for rest in fulfilling its projections. Be here in your unchanging being. Your real journey begins within — in this within-ness, you learn to observe with detachment and discover your natural state.
In this super short 3 minute audio, Mooji explains that we need not stress over our inquiry into the self.  Often this can lead to a type of paranoia so it’s best to just surrender to the process and not fight the mind, relax into yourself and let the inquiry lead you to a place of peace and realization….
In this 5 minute video from his home in Brixton, Mooji explains that people come to him with all types of questions wanting to hear a response from that place inside where he responds from, but what would be best is for the questioner to be in that SAME place so he may find the answers within himself and no longer need to ask an outside source. This video is about finding that place within you…
Here’s a great six minute video clip taken from one of Mooji‘s Satsangs in which he reminds us of our true position and how to identify that which is only coming and going.  Let’s reflect with Mooji…
In this wonderful new video, Mooji speaks about the sense ‘I Am’, the sense of being, and encourages us to sit in this, as this. He continues that even this ‘I Am’-ness can subside and what remains is the core of Awareness, the wordless state. Let’s get started now…
In this short video, Mooji provides massive insight into our “wants” and “desires”.
In this thirteen minute video clip from the end of a retreat in Rishikesh, Mooji recaps what has transpired and drives home the most important points of his teachings. This video could also be used as a thirteen minute guided meditation so lets sit back, relax and listen…
A large number of seekers are in search for a state of “Bliss” and in this five minute video clip, Mooji explains that one should never pursue a state of bliss because in reality bliss is only the perfume of awakening that happens of its own accord and is not a permanent state of being.
In this twelve minute video captured on one of his walks, Mooji shares his story of searching, discovering and understanding universality.  He explains the urge within him that led him to the realization of the one and only self and the dissolution of the separate false entity we know as “me”.
In this fantastic 17 minute video from an early Satsang found in the archives, Mooji reminds us that, ““It’s like you’re in this world, but you don’t belong to it in quite the same way… you’re not pulled into the dramas of life.”  Let’s find out what he means by that…
In this super short 4 minute video, Mooji explains that in this world today there are always people looking to accuse you of things, some may even thrive on your sorrow, so it is important to admit if you have done something to offend them and ask for forgiveness, or if not, to go on with your life centered in the Self and let you intuition (heart) tell you what is true.  Let’s listen to Mooji’s words of freedom…
In this very short 8 minute video clip from an interview with Mooji, the interviewer would like for Mooji to clear up a famous quote from Jesus. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise response…
Many seekers of truth complain of how noisy and restless the monkey mind can play, especially when there is an intention to be self aware as presence. In this video, Mooji offers a straightforward guidance that exposes the monkey identity and reveals the pure space of the uninvolved witness.