This beautiful 15 minute guided inquiry meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony.  Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
In this 9 minute video, Mooji explains that we are prior to anything that can be named, labeled or described. Although they are connected to us somehow, we are “prior to” anything that can be identified. We are the canvas of space in which all of consciousness expresses itself.
In this lovely and effective mini 9 minute meditation,  Mooji helps us to get back on track by explaining that today’s World situation is not all doom and gloom and that this is a perfect opportunity for us to recognize the one within that is never affected by any external conditions.  Let’s listen…
Don’t miss out on this one!  In this insightful 15 minute video from Mooji, he reminds us that the greatest miracle is the realization of the Self.  Let’s listen as Mooji shares his wisdom…
In this eight minute video from a Rishikesh, India Satsang recorded on Sunday, 12th March, 2017, Mooji expresses that perhaps it is time to examine the motive of our search (and practices) and take what we have absorbed in Satsang to walk through the door of Nirvana and flower into sage-hood.
Mooji explains the relationship between the “Self” and daily activity and experience.
We all have 15 minutes to spare. This lovely guided meditation from Mooji  is less than 15 minutes long and will bring you back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony.
In this amazingly beautiful ten minute video clip from one of Mooji‘s Satsangs,  a woman explains that after facing breast cancer, she came to realize that disease is of no consequence to our innermost self.  Using a parable, Mooji demonstrates that immortality can not be found in the body itself, but rather in the recesses of our heart where the eternal has always been.
Here’s another beautiful four minute video that was created by Lucia Lagana which combines music, very special images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on realizing that you are already what you are searching for. Thank you Lucia!
This beautiful 7 minute video clip from Mooji starts out by sitting in silence for a moment with a devotee and then by reminding us that we are the ever-present silence experiencing our own world through the concepts that occupy the mind.
This video clip from Mooji is 18 minutes long, but if you have ever wondered why there are starving and sick children and all of the atrocities happening in this world, then you may want to invest a few minutes to see Mooji’s perspective to these very common questions.
In this super short Mooji Minute, he explains that we can not get rid of the mind entirely because we need the mind to execute practical matters, but the “thinking” mind, or “psychological” mind is NOT required at all and is the culprit for all human suffering. Let’s listen to Mooji…
This 22 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self.  Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this beautifully put together 7 minute video, Mooji reminds of the similarities between our “waking” state and our “dream” state and how we ultimately need to awaken from the “waking” state.  Let’s listen to Mooji’s eternal wisdom…
In this spontaneous 6 minute audio, Mooji explains that doing the “right things” or “right practices” or “right behavior” does not mean that you will get any special treatment for the realization of the “Self”.  Having this attitude is more about arrogance than anything else. Let’s listen to Mooji’s explanation…
Your idea of yourself as a person living this life and trying to find consciousness, that is a function, have you thought of that? It is a play inside the play itself. Here is another wonderful 3 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
Mooji explains that the value of being in the presence of a master is for guidance and to have someone that can tell you when you are wandering off track. He also explains that it is important to know the difference between a teacher and a master.
In this thirteen minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker wanting to know about decision making, whether he is making the right decision, and how to make the best decision.  Mooji responds by offering the BEST advice you will ever hear about decision making.  Let’s listen…
This 15 minute video is crammed packed with practical advice as Mooji shares three easy and simple ways to overcome states of fear and anxiety. As you take a little time for yourself to follow this guidance, you will come back into your natural state of being.
In this 5 minute, five star video Mooji explains that we need to stop trying to hold on to the idea we have about ourselves. Let’s listen…
Here is a very short, yet powerful video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on the question, “Who is living inside this body? You or God?”
This eight minute video from a Sunday Satsang tea session, Mooji shares some reminders of what we are searching for and to help us find the courage for us to shed the illusions of the mind.
In this 7 minute video, Mooji explains that in life anything can happen such as feelings of vulnerability, fear, weakness, helplessness and so forth which is perfectly fine as long as we don’t panic and just “Let It Be”.  When we don’t identify and surrender to these moments, they can be some of the beautiful moments as well as a great portal into amazing insight.
In this lovely 24 minute video, Mooji shares the core of his teaching, beyond time, space or concept. He brings us the very present opportunity and direct way to find Truth – as he has done throughout these decades of sharing Satsang – and inspires a re-dedication of our hearts to This.
In this clever little 5 minute video, Mooji reminds us that in the process of melting our identity as a person, or a somebody… It may very well take a very special somebody to become nobody. Let’s listen to Mooji’s explanation… Includes French text translation.
In this 13 minute video, Mooji shows us how to summon the power of direct inquiry. For years we have placed great importance on the mind and the effects of conditioning. Not even Christ or Buddha could escape conditioning, and yet just like them we have the power to transcend it by following Mooji’s instructions for inquiry.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji reveals the simple yet ever powerful secret of the Sages. The metaphor used in this video has been told to us repeatedly yet it is the difference between a Sage and one who struggles with mind’s incessant attempts to regain control of our attention, focus and sense of identity.
In this beautiful 12 minute video of an impromptu Satsang at Monte Sahaja, Mooji explains that for some reason a large percentage of seekers can not find a way to fully relinquish their relationship with the egoic mind which keeps them from ever realizing the Truth.  Let’s listen in as Mooji explains…