In this 8 minute video, Mooji reveals the simple yet ever powerful secret of the Sages. The metaphor used in this video has been told to us repeatedly yet it is the difference between a Sage and one who struggles with mind’s incessant attempts to regain control of our attention, focus and sense of identity.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji provides more practical advice on dealing with fear as well as taking a look at the basic cause of fear.  This video includes dealing with general fears, where we don’t really even know what we are afraid of, to dealing with very specific fears.
In this 6 minute video, Mooji speaks on the subject of “Free Will”.  Mooji explains that we have “apparent” free will, but in reality once we realize that we are consciousness itself, the “will” to have free will dissipates into nothingness.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji expresses his views of Spiritual Practices. He explains that although spiritual practices can be helpful for certain purposes, it is very important to find out WHY you are doing the spiritual practice in the first place. Otherwise, spiritual practices can actually stand in the way of freedom.
In this 11 minute video, Mooji provides insight on how to deal with one of the most powerful vasanas (latent tendencies in one’s nature), the illusion of security.  Security issues can pop up in many ways including in relationships, work, money, and life situations, but they are all creations of the mind. Although issues of security can be extremely powerful energetically, Mooji shows us how to return to what is real and watch these issues disappear into nothingness.
In this 12 minute video Mooji discusses with an inquirer a common phenomenon that occurs for seekers at a certain point.  Many seekers come to a point when they realize that they know nothing.  The mind has a really hard time dealing with this because the mind’s job is to do. It is looking for a job. Mooji explains that when one realizes they know nothing, the best course of action is to do nothing and be nothing. Otherwise, your mind will just try to replace one concept with another concept.
This video is Part 3 of a 3 Part Series which focuses on Mooji helping a inquirer come to a place of recognition. This third part focuses on the subject that “realization” is not exchanging one bundle of concepts for another bundle of concepts. The “Truth” is so obvious that the mind can not comprehend or accept that it could be so simple and obvious and yet it can be “realized” within consciousness itself.
This video is Part 2 of a 3 Part Series which focuses on Mooji helping a inquirer come to a place of recognition. This second part focuses on taking the inquirer deeper into the the “youless you” and helping her to find find a place of clarity. Click here for Part 3.
This video is Part 1 of a 3 Part Series which focuses on Mooji helping a inquirer come to a place of recognition. This first part focuses on the subject having deep feelings of unworthiness which is quite common among seekers. Click here for Part 2.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji teaches us the best way to deal with the past. Yes, we already know that the music is “annoying”, but the message is clear…
In this 6 minute video, Mooji expresses his view of anger and offers some suggestions on how we can best deal with it starting with the realization that the statement “I am angry” is not true. The huge difference comes when you realize that the “I am” is not angry, but that there is just angry feelings appearing before the “I am”.
This is part three of a three part series of Mooji speaking to one inquiring mind searching for the “The Truth”.  However, every part stands on its own.  This particular interaction is very lighthearted as well as providing super clear insight as Mooji leads this being from confusion to clarity. This is a MUST SEE for anyone experiencing any kind of confusion. Click here for Part 1Click here for Part 2
This is part two of a three part series of Mooji speaking to one inquiring mind searching for the “The Truth”.  However, every part stands on its own.  This particular interaction is very lighthearted as well as providing super clear insight as Mooji leads this being from confusion to clarity. This is a MUST SEE for anyone experiencing any kind of confusion. Click here for Part 1Click here for Part 3
This is part one of a three part series of Mooji speaking to one inquiring mind searching for the “The Truth”.  However, every part stands on its own.  This particular interaction is very lighthearted as well as providing super clear insight as Mooji leads this being from confusion to clarity. This is a MUST SEE for anyone experiencing any kind of confusion. Click here for Part 2Click here for Part 3
In this FANTASTIC 11 minute video, Mooji replies to a letter from someone who feels that their mind is winning and wants to know “Is it really possible for me to stay in truth?”.  Mooji explains that it is NOT possible for the “Me” to stay in the truth and that the only way forward is to give up this false sense of “Me” and find that place within that requires no effort.
In this video Mooji addresses a common fear of wondering what will happen to “me” once I am realized. This fear can keep us from the “Truth” and keep us on a merry go round of questions and confusion until we are ready to give up the “me” and trust that as we loose our sense of individuality, we gain the recognition of being at the heart of all that is.
In this video Mooji answers a letter from someone who says she is losing interest in daily life and that this scares her. Mooji explains that it is quite common for those who realize the truth to lose interest in their daily activities like hobbies, work, money, friends, and so forth, but that actually most of this effect comes from becoming detached. We have been so attached to all of these things that when the attachments begin to go, we feel as if we are loosing interest which may or may not be the case. He finishes with reminding her [More]
In this video, Mooji addresses a letter from one who is living in suffocating conditions surrounded by massive conditioning and social pressure.  Mooji explains that his pointings are fully applicable, no matter what situation you find yourself in and that sometimes difficult situations can serve as a catalyst for accelerated growth and realization.
In this 15 minute video, Mooji explains that “Realization” is not the be all, end all. Although it has been fired, the mind will keep showing up for work and by staying in a state of Self-Rememberance one’s attention can be easily brought back from its habit to go with the mind. This is also called vigilance. Both Nisargadatta Maharaj and Papaji both spoke of remaining vigilant until their very last breath.
Mooji answers a letter asking about fears and resistance. He explains that finding out who these fears and resistance are for and where do they come from. Are they real?  Is it mind playing games with you? Could it be possible that they are happening because you don’t yet truly know who you are?
This video is a clip from Mooji‘s appearance on the “Never Not Here” show which discusses the fact that it is not our chocolate flavored moments that help us to seek freedom and understanding, but rather our difficulties and adversity that triggers our search for the “Truth”.
In this 9 minute video, Mooji explains that we are prior to anything that can be named, labeled or described. Although they are connected to us somehow, we are “prior to” anything that can be identified. We are the canvas of space in which all of consciousness expresses itself.
Mooji takes us on a 4 minute intensive look at what is already here. This video may be short but it is enough to get one to refocus on what is real within.
In this short 5 minute video, a devotee wants to know how we can strike a balance between mind and the “self”. Mooji demonstrates that the mind can not achieve balance because it is invested in projections of what balance should be. Then he goes on to explain how inner balance comes to be.
In this video Mooji explains that truly being free is not based on any belief. Freedom comes from being able to answer the question “Is there anything that stops me from being what I am?”.  Through the process of self-mastery, one can examine the thoughts, beliefs and situations that keep us from truly being free.
In this video Mooji covers a lot of ground but its unique perspective is the realization that the body is required to provide a tool for consciousness to reflect upon itself. Without the body you can not have the knowledge or the taste of consciousness. Through the body the reflection can be known, similar to looking in a mirror.
As requested by patrons of this site, here is another 10 minute guided meditation from Mooji. Enjoy!
This video contains a very special message designed to help us to drop EVERYTHING and strip us back to a place beyond time and intention.  A place where we can truly experience our true nature.