This fourteen minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom… Includes SPANISH translation.
In this 12 minute video, Mooji leads us on a powerful exploration into the true meaning of ‘I’ — from the earliest formation of our sense of identity to the dawning of our spiritual journey. This guided inquiry leads us into a quintessential contemplation, to contemplate the pure and un-associated sense ‘I Am.’
Mooji speaks of the fact that we don’t need to decide which thoughts or concepts to delete. Everything is just happening by itself.
In Part 2 of 2 of this amazing discourse with a devotee, Mooji shows that for most, the understanding of the “Truth” is only mental and that in actuality the Truth has not been realized within because of fear of what is going to happen to their physical existence (or life) if they give up the idea of who they think they are. Mooji goes on to explain that one must stand boldly with their understanding to realize the full meaning of the Truth. To view Part 1 (not necessary), please click here.
Do you have five minutes for freedom? In this BEAUTIFUL five minute guided meditation, Mooji takes us into our hearts where he plants the seeds of eternal wisdom. Let’s just sit back, relax and enjoy! Includes Portuguese translation.
In this five minute video, Mooji responds to an inquiry about forgiveness. The questioner wants to know “In the Advaita way, does one seek forgiveness for behavior that has brought harm, or does one just observe the thoughts and abide in the self?” Listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this lovely 7 minute video, Mooji addresses what happens when one becomes decreasingly attached to the world and talks about the inner experience of those who begin to transcend the pull of the mind.
In this 5 minute video clip, Mooji responds to a very common question from a seeker that wants to know, “Who is the one that is seeing the witness?” Let’s sit back, relax and listen to Mooji’s response…
In this 11 minute video, Mooji explains how beautiful a relationship can be as a testing ground for awakening. Relationships are fully charged with emotion which can easily point out the strongholds of the ego and provide you with the option to go deeper into yourself.
In this eight minute clip a seeker wants to know why it seems that there seems to be less avoidance and resistance from the mind when she is watching Satsang at home verses being in Satsang in person. Mooji explains the subtle ways the mind uses to avoid and resist…
We all have 15 minutes to spare. This five minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. In this meditation Mooji reminds us to rest as the belief-less self . Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this great little two minute video, Mooji provides a tool to help us stop our busy daily activities and take a moment to re-center ourselves and our attention and take a break from all the noise of the mind and our surroundings. Let’s listen to this wonderful little exercise…
In this 9 minute video, Mooji explains that true silence is not really something you do or strive for, it is who you are. He goes on to provide a deep look at silence…
This ten minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this nine minute audio clip from a Satsang in Monte Sahaja, Mooji speaks on the power of staying as the “Isness”. He reminds us that the mind is always trying to invite us into personal identification but remaining as the Isness allows us to just watch as the invitation comes and goes. Here is the link to the full version of this Satsang:
In this great 6 minute video from Mooji, he replies to a questioner asking “Why Does It Seem So Difficult to Overcome the Mind?” Mooji uses a very simple metaphor to help us understand the answer to this very common and important question.
In this short 12 minute video, a questioner has several questions about our search for the Truth verses our personal relationships. Let’s listen to Mooji as he replies to his question and where the misunderstandings might be. Let’s get started…
When you say “I”, who is speaking? Are you speaking as the person or consciousness? This video will bring you back to your true place in under 9 minutes.
In this insightful video clip, Mooji responds to a questioner how wants to know how he is supposed to distance himself from his mind as suggested in “the Invitation”. Mooji explains that this is just a simple directive that at least during Satsang, one should leave their mind at the door. In other words, let’s not touch all of the idea we have about ourselves. Let’s listen to how Mooji describes it…
Everything that we ever wanted to know about the world and our selves we can find out in self inquiry. That is the power of self inquiry. The sharpest tools that we have to look beneath the layers of mind and ego. Let us do that now together with Mooji.
In this beautiful 7 minute video, Mooji expresses why he shares in Satsang day after day, year after year. He explains that it is his desire for completely freedom for everyone through the realization of the Truth and the Self. Let’s listen…
This six minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Anyone can afford six minutes in exchange for freedom, so let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom.
In this seven minute video, Mooji explains that we are already home but we are dreaming that somehow we are not home and believe that there is this place that we need to get too. Mooji explains… (Features Portuguese Subtitles)
In this 5 minute video clip from Mooji, he addresses the question that many people have of possibly not being good enough to realize the Truth. If this is a thought that crosses your mind now and then, listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this short clip, Mooji explains that you are the source seeking itself. He goes on to explain that the source is also imminent inside the functioning of manifestation itself so as it flows out through grace to create the universe, it is also experiencing the universe within itself.
In this lovely 10 minute video clip from Mooji, he has a wonderful one-on-one breakthrough with a seeker. Mooji explains that he is not trying to be the self and that some superficial conditioning will always remain but that it has no importance, no power, no authority, no pulling power or commanding force, therefor it is like nothing. Only the “Self” remains.
We all have 10 minutes to spare. This wonderful guided meditation from Mooji is less than 10 minutes and will bring you back to your Self. Let’s block out all noises and join Mooji now…
What happens in deep sleep ? Where do you go ? What or who remains in deep sleep ? If we know that there is observer in our wake state who is or what is there or is it there when we are in deep sleep? Let us inquire together with Mooji in this deep inquiry…