In this 2 minute video, Mooji provides a short and direct reply to the question, “What Is the Difference Between Self and Intuition?”
In this 2 minute video, Mooji provides a short and direct reply to the question, "What Is the Difference Between Self and Intuition?"
In this 2 minute video, Mooji provides a short and direct reply to the question, “What Is the Difference Between Self and Intuition?”
i am not able to get out of my ego? Suffering the experience continues. I really do not know what am I found with myself. Losing people is becoming a pattern. Fear is at work. I pray for grace.
When you hear urself saying this, try to observe the feeling of “I… something”, because when u speak from urself, it feels easy, but when u speak from ur ego, it doenst feel so nice. Drop everything, and just watch the sense of beeing. Whatever thought will come, dont believe it, even if its a thought “i shall not listen to the thoughts”. Try to stay with the feeling of beeing, as its before the thought, somehow thought is “on it” and in it. Fuck i wish to understand it completly, so i dont have to live my life, and be life. Spiritual ego for sure, yhmmm. I just have noticed, that this comment was written in 2016, but mby i had to write it for myself. Heh, thanks for asking than.
Differences come from the mind… Differences are irrelevant. Intuition is the fragrance of the Self.Thank you for posting,Michael. _()_ <3 _()_
The Whole Universe; objects, feelings, thoughts, everything is a protection of Self.
The Whole Universe; objects, feelings, thoughts, everything; every manifestation is a protection of Self.
I meant proyection.