In this seven minute video, Mooji explains in as many ways as possible what is truly meant by, “What you are searching for is already where you are searching from”. Consciousness is on a journey to discover itself and Mooji points the way…
In this seven minute video, Mooji explains in as many ways as possible what is truly meant by, "What you are searching for is already where you are searching from". Consciousness is on a journey to discover itself and Mooji points the way...
In this seven minute video, Mooji explains in as many ways as possible what is truly meant by, “What you are searching for is already where you are searching from”. Consciousness is on a journey to discover itself and Mooji points the way…
Thank you beloved Moojibaba, voice of the heart, who so simply puts my, at times, myopic perception, right to where it is in its eternal home. I love you/us/me God with all that I am.